Scene 1- Chance Encounter

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(Center spot light comes up with a man in a suit is sitting with another man at a diner table

Down center stage. Middle curtains closed)

Lue: Is there any way I can convince you to reconsider?

Viktor: (looking at the stack of papers) I'm avraid not Mr. Verr.

Lue: But your career is at an all time high right now! Why not continue the wave of momentum!

Viktor: Yez, it is. However, writing playz az become more work zan vun az of late. I'm zorry, Mr. Verr.

Lue: Please. You're my only client left!

Viktor: I'm zinzerely zorry, Mr. Verr.

(Viktor hands the contract back to Lue, gets up from the table, and leaves the diner. Black out)

(Center and right stage lights up. Randy, Kristy, and Oliver pass through the restaurant from stage right, talking amongst themselves, while Lue is laying his head down on the table.)

Kristy: Hey, what's wrong, mister? (sits down next to Lue)

Oliver: Don't talk to strangers, Kristy. We've told you a hundred times now.

Kristy: (grabbing Lue's cheeks) Look at this poor old man! He's clearly upset and needs our help! As a princess, it is my duty to do so!

Randy: Not again. (goes to Lue's table) I'm sorry, sir. My sister's not quite right.

(Randy goes to grab Kristy from the booth but she shoos him away. Oliver walks around them avoiding Randy as he stumbles back)

Kristy: Psh! I'm fine; don't listen to him. Anyway, what are you so upset about, sir.

Lue: It's nothing you three need to worry about.

Kristy: Oh come on, mister! Tell us anyway.

(Randy smiles politely and sits at the table. While Oliver sighs, rolls his eyes, and sits at the table)

Lue: I suppose talking about could help. My name is Lue C. Ferr, and I am an agent for a private company who sponsors playwrights.

Randy: (mumbles to himself) Lue C. Ferr. Lue C. Ferr. Luc Ferr.

Luc Ferr. Lucifer!!! Man that's a shady name.

Lue: (Ignores Randy's outburst) Anyway everything was going well until my client decided to retire. At least that is what I think he was saying. Curse his accent.

Kristy: Just ignore my idiotic brother. So, what are you going to do?

Lue: I'm just gonna have to cut my loss and find someone new. Hopefully some fresh faces.

Oliver: (getting up from the table) Well, we wish the best of luck in your endeavor, but we'll—

Kristy: We can help! We can write a play for you!

Oliver and Randy: What?

Kristy: It sounds so fun!

Randy: We've never written a play before.

Oliver: Plus we don't all want to.

Kristy: Shh Oli. Yes we do! Don't ruin this for me. Not again. You're not my daaad.

Lue: If you three can write a decent play by Friday night I can put it on the producer's desk at Carol Morsani Hall in Tampa this weekend.

(Hands both Randy and Oliver to look over the contract. They both immediately start to scan it.)

Randy: It wouldn't hurt to try, I mean what could we lose Oliver by doing this.

Oliver: I really don't think we can-

(Randy looks to Oliver trying to gauge his thoughts. Just then Oliver face brightens up as he sees the money signs)

Oliver: Is that fifteen thousand dollars for just one play?

Kristy: So How many people usually come to this show?

Lue: Well, we had 2,610 seats in the theater, and most of the seats get filled every night.

Oliver: Alright back to my question, so we get fifteen thousand?

Lue: Hopefully, yes.

Oliver: I would be glad to help with this Moroni Hall thing.

Lue: Morsani, sir

Oliver: Whatever.

Randy: So are we doing this?

Oliver and Kristy: Yes!

Lue: Fantastic! Sign here, Please.

(Hands Randy a pen to sign, then Oliver takes it from him signing the contract, lastly Kristy signs very largely underneath their names before handing the pen back to Lue with a wink. Black Out.)

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