First Day

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Jon Kent is not your average boy. He is very... below average. Other than his grades of course. 

His father works a nine to five job at The Daily Planet. His mother is a housewife. He lives in a small apartment in Metropolis. He has an older brother named Conner who plays on his school's football team. I mean, try being brothers with the quarter back! It's hard! Jon's underweight for his height, and he has big glasses that always slip down the rim of his nose. He never forgets to brush his pearly whites, tuck in his shirt, or slip on his bowtie. 

So what I'm saying is... the kid's a major nerd. But he's got a big heart, and that's all that matters. Or that's what his dad tells him anyways.

He gets by, not with many friends, but, he gets by. His brother would always be there for him if anything happened. Conner just tells him to keep his head low and get through the day. He wouldn't want Jon "ruining his reputation". 

But Jon's used to staying out of the spotlight. He has a secret. A very, big, secret. The kid's gay. I mean it would be kind of a sucky gay romance if he wasn't, but I'll proceed with the story. 

Jon slowly opened his eyes, as the ringing clock beside him blasted through his ears. He groaned as he went to reach for the snooze button on the top of the clock but instead he knocked it off of the makeshift nightstand toward the bunk below. 

"Turn that damn thing off!" Conner yelled from below, smushing the pillow back over his head.

"Language, young man!" Lois yelled up from the kitchen. 

"Sorry, Ma!" Conner yelled back. Jon drowsily sat up in his bunk and crawled down the ladder, finally pressing the off button and tossing it back up into his bunk. He walked over the piles of his brothers clothes to the bathroom with his eyes still half lidded and searched the counter top with his hand. He finally found his glasses and placed them on his face, giving himself a cheesy smile in the mirror. He grabbed his toothbrush and slid on a little more toothpaste than usual because you can never be too careful.

In the toothbrush went, and Jon practiced his greetings for the new day in his head. He was hoping to at least make one friend this year. After all, he was fifteen. 

Hi, you seem like a blast! 

No that's weird.

What's hangin' brother from another mother?


Your shirt is groovy, we should catch some rays sometime!


Hey, we should jam sometime!

No. No. No. 

"Jonny! Breakfast is fresh outta the oven!" Lois yelled from the kitchen. Jon spit the toothpaste out of his mouth and quickly shut the bathroom door. 

"Be there in a minute, Ma!" Behind the door was the outfit that he had planned the night before. He slipped on the blue and red plaid collared shirt, the salmon jeans, and the yellow suspenders. He tucked in his shirt, then opening the bathroom drawer to reveal about twenty different styled bowties. He ran his finger along them, pressing his lips together to form a line as he thought about which one he was going to wear on the first day. 

Plain Salmon. To match his pants of course. He tied the bow around his neck and into a puffy two-parter. He opened another drawer to reveal all different jars of hair gel, choosing carefully which one he wanted to wear on his first day back. After an aggravating amount of time he chose and slid the paste through his hair, making sure one front curl still fell in front of his face. 

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