Swollen Eye

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Damian glared at Jon, and the boy's breath stopped. Even though it wasn't possible, he kept hearing the room get even quieter than complete silence. A literal pin could've dropped and anyone in the room would hear it.

Eyes all around the room left implied lines poking at Jon. Usually he was invisible to everyone. Now he was all they could see.

Way to go idiot.

Damian let go of Mari's hands and rolled up the sleeves of his worn leather jacket. Jon let out a nervous high-pitched squeal noise. It was truly painful to hear, and not because it was loud. It was so very embarrassing.

"Come on," Damian hissed. "we've got places to be."

A gulp sound escaped Jon's throat as he swallowed the entire damn ocean. He didn't move. He was stunned. He looked around once more, noticing Bart's freckles become a little less noticeable. Bart was mad. Like red in the face mad.

Jon knew Bart was gonna say something stupid.

Oh nononononoNO!

"Why don't you leave him alone, friggin' flake!"

And there it goes. Everyone gasped at the brave comment by this new bronze head they had never seen before. Well maybe not full out gasp, but they were definitely surprised and now curious. Jon could almost hear all of their thoughts. Wondering if this kid knew what he was doing or if he was just crazy.

"Excuse me!" Mari scoffed. "Don't talk to my Damian like that!"

"It's alright baby, he doesn't know any better." Damian smirked, reassuring his girlfriend, then turning back to one horrified boy and one fully scarlet boy. "Don't flip your wig, carrots. I'm only gonna rough em' up a bit."

Bart's expression only got worse. Jon swore his eyebrows knitted straight together.

"Oh you LITTLE SHI--" Suddenly a familiar biker grabbed Bart by the waist, picking him up onto his shoulder and dragging him into the crowd, away from Jon and Damian. It was Jaime. He was obviously just taking orders from Damian to get Bart out of his way.

Bart kicked and yelled like a little girl being dragged out of a candy store, but it was no use. Jaime had to be twice his height, and muscle mass for that matter.

Jon turned back to Damian, knowing exactly what was about to go down. Damian walked closer and Jon felt a strong grip on his shoulder, his stomach feeling empty out of embarrassment. Mari's cries to her cheerleading friends made his heart rise into his throat. Damian showed him through the parting crowd with force. Jon knew he was in deep, well, for lack of a better word, deep shit. Even though his mama would kill him for using that word, it was true. His face was as red as a beet and every single person for two-hundred feet stared directly at him. He was going to get beaten up, then shunned by his brother, and then his Ma would probably ring up the school and make everything ten times worse. In fact, it would probably create an ongoing cycle-

And the kid managed to run straight into the cafeteria doors on his way out. He let out a grunt and- pain to his ears- began to hear laughter erupt. Even Damian let out a chuckle as he redirected him to the open door.

Could this day get any worse? Yes, yes in fact it could.

Jon was walked through the halls of the school and eventually out the back fire exit doors near the dumpster. Damian let go of his grip on Jon, and shoved him a bit, into the small space the school had indented into it. The space was shady and it smelled like rotting bananas. Gross. He blinked a couple of times, adjusting his eyes to the lighting.

A glimmer of sunlight peeked around the school's brick wall, giving Jon a shadowed view of the boy in front of him. Nerves pricked at Jon like little fire ants. He knew he was about to be beaten up, so he had to think of an escape plan.

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