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Ms. Prince sighed. Five boys all with different emotions sat in a line in front of her desk. Damian was still unconscious, Conner was angry and had his arms crossed, Jon was very scared, he had never been in the principals office before, Jaime was confused as to why the older boy was there, and Bart was trying to check Jon for any bruises, but Jaime was in between the two, blocking his view. 

Jon slowly raised his hand. Diana knew what he was going to say. 

"No Mr. Kent, this will not be going on your permanent record. Those don't even exist." 

He mouthed an 'ah' as he slowly put his hand back down. 

"It's the first day. The. First. Day." Diana scowled at the boys as she rested her elbows on her desk and interlocked her fingers. "One of the Kent boys please explain what happened..." She eyed Damian's unconscious body. "here."

Conner looked at his brother as to tell him he should speak. Jon couldn't argue, he was there for the entire thing where as his brother showed up and sucker punched Damian just when they were figuring things out. Jon adjusted in his seat as he began to speak. 

"Ms. Prince, I will explain the entire thing. I spilt a smoothie on his girlfriend," He pointed to Damian, "Then she told him to rough me up, which obviously didn't happen," Jon gestured to his baby smooth face with a smile, "We set up a plan to make it look like he hit me, but then my brother here showed up, thinking I was in danger, so he punched Damian in the face knocking him out. Then Mr. Jordan showed up and brought us here. That's how we're in this predicament." Jon smiled. 

"Thank you, Jon." She sighed and tried to wrap her head around the situation as best she could. "I have already dealt with Mr. Reyes' and Mr. Allen's punishments, so it's time I discuss yours."

"Punishments?! Mrs. Prince I  didn't do anything!" 

"Actually Jon, you're right." Diana agreed. 

"Phew." Jon smiled as he felt the weight of the world lift off of his shoulders. 

"Which is why you will be participating in Damian's punishment."

And the weight slammed right back down onto his shoulders ten times harder. 

"I'm sorry, what?!" 

"Since you obviously can't stand each other, you will sit with Mr. Wayne in detention for a week. And remind me, do you two have any classes together?"

"Yes ma'am," Jon mumbled quietly, "Geography with Mrs. Ferguson."

"Great!" Diana grabbed a small piece of paper on her desk and a pen, and started writing. "You two will be paired up for the cultimating activity." 

"Mrs. Prince! This isn't fair--"

"Are you talking back Mr. Kent?" Diana's smile faded as she got serious. Jon raised his shoulders as he let out a sad breath and sank in his chair. 

"No ma'am." 

"That's what I thought. Now, for you Mr. Conner Kent, you will be suspended from two football games. You can still go to practice, but you need to keep your grades up as well." 

"I can't miss those games Mrs. Prince! They're leading up to homecoming!" 

"You're gonna have to practice hard then, Conner, punching a kid in the face is no acceptable behaviour, even if you were protecting your brother." 

"Fine." Conner huffed, sinking in his chair. 

Suddenly, Damian took in a big breath and sat up, making everyone jump. He looked around for a couple moments before noticing the older Kent boy beside him. His expression grew tense as he lunged for the boy, only to be held back by Mr. Jordan who had been beside the five incase of something like this. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2020 ⏰

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