Suit of Syn

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Okay... Take a deep breath and walk...

You tried to calm yourself as you walked with an inner body suit of Syn wrapped around your delicate body. The shadow was only smiling and blushing between your breasts in bliss. You felt embarrassed at the sensation since people could be watching but felt excited knowing that no one will know a thing.

You attempted to walk as normal but decided to slow the pace down to lessen the friction. Every movement caressed your body and made you flush. If people didn't know the truth, they probably thought you were having a fever but decided to show up to work anyway as a diligent employee.

After exiting your vehicle and entering the building, you were promptly greeted by a few employees and you greeted them back. You slightly looked the other way so that your coworkers couldn't notice how pink your face was. Luckily, people are subconsciously worried about themselves than others, so you were able to get past them without a hitch.

We made it in... You thought you would have gotten caught by someone, but it went smoother than you thought... So smooth that you assumed that it may have been the calm before everything goes under.

"Oooh!" Syn was looking up from your breasts and absorbing everything he saw before him. Your office space was small, but fortunately for the both of you, your office space had walls around it just like others despite being in the same room. What were they called? Cubicles? Syn saw that in the internet somewhere...

Apparently, people can probably hear him, so Syn whispered everything to you about how excited he was and how he loves knowing more about you. Even though office spaces made you a little sad and the view is sort of bleak, a job is a job and it pays enough. However, to Syn, it was like a dream come true seeing human things come to life from what he has read and seen online. All he was able to grasp about the human world was simply from books, words online, pictures, and videos he saw.

You whispered to Syn to stay still and quiet so no one notices and he quickly agrees. If he gets discovered now, he might lose you and won't be able to see you anymore. Worst part is, scientists might abduct him and try to dissect him! Or! Someone will try to hire exorcists to get rid of him! Or! They'll try to hurt you... The thought of that made Syn rise in temperature. He'll devour them all if he had to! The rise didn't go unnoticed by you because Syn is usually so cold.

It's a good thing that you didn't need to walk around as much and only needed to sit in your space to do work on the computer or else someone might have seen you with such an erotic face. You checked prices and resources for the project you were assigned to do and others in your group were assigned different things to work with while your team leader was to make sure everything is in check while doing his own work as well. Times like this makes you glad that you didn't care who was leader and who was just a group member. You didn't mind being team leader, but the work overload was not something you were interested in.

Call it unambitious or whatever, but you're just here to have a job and do it. You're not interested in getting in a fight with other psycho coworkers over a leadership position. You like your peaceful life, thanks.

Syn was watching you work and making sure no one sees him. Even though he types on the computer sometimes at home, he somehow finds it amusing seeing you do that instead. Typing in spreadsheets was all you were doing so far, but Syn is gushing about loving your work and getting excited about you coming home after the long day to shower.

He's trying not to drool over the image of you naked, but he can't help it.

Then, the image of Scott flashed through his head. Was this guilt? He did eat his family after all... Terrible thing is that you know nothing and needed to search high and low for another job opportunity. You two had no romantic relations with each other, but the idea of you clinging to another whether it be romantic or platonic makes him die a little inside. Or is this indigestion?

Nonsense... Once people are eaten, they are gone forever. Besides, Syn doesn't even have a stomach...yet... Who knows what happens within him, but what he does know is that they die soon after.


After work, you clock out and say your goodbyes to every coworker you see at work right before you leave. Syn was happy that you are happy to leave the building and finally going home.

You weren't going to let him spy on you showering and have you both shower together, but it was worth a try.

Before getting into the vehicle, Syn spotted a couple nearby kissing and hugging each other as they walk back from the convenience store to buy some bread and milk.

"I'm so lucky to have you!" exclaimed the woman.

"And I'm lucky to have you in my arms," said the man. The two of them are exchanging romantic lines with each other while walking back to their home.

Somehow, the conversation turned into a strange one.

"I'm also glad I have arms and legs and a heart to hold you and love you with!" said the man. Really though, who says these things?

Despite how strange it was, Syn thought it was regular since he heard someone else say it. Perhaps this is what people like to hear from others. They want their lovers to say creepy things to them? That's okay! Syn can make lines like that too. Books and online videos are filled with them, so he can teach himself to say them to you someday.

If Syn had a full body to embrace you with, would you love him fully? 

Kisses in the Dark (Yandere! Shadow Monster x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now