Blood is thicker than water

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As you were preparing for the night, you thought about the time when your grandmother was still alive. You thought it was strange how she died and that she gave you her mansion despite not talking to each other much. One of your latest memories of her was when she was sitting on her soft vintage armchair and staring at you from the window while you were outside in the backyard playing in the grass with your model toys. She was embroidering a handkerchief like how noble ladies would spend their free time back in those days...

You were in the backyard playing around until you spotted your grandmother peeking down from the second story window watching you play. In your hands were model toys of different geometrical shapes like a sphere, a pyramid, a cube and more. The toys were to be put in the holes that correspond to the same shape as the model toy.

To your left, you heard a meow that made you turn your head to the left. The noise came from the opposite side of the mansion. You were taught not to wander off so you wouldn't get lost, but children only pay attention to so much that they are warned on what not to do. So in the end, some children do the opposite of what they are taught regardless. Except for you. You were never taught not to go to places you shouldn't and you were never taught not to go near suspicious things. So, you wandered off away from the backyard and followed the noise.

The meowing got louder until the noise stopped when you were the closest. What you found basically scarred you for life. You didn't find a cat, but you did find a small dark hole with some blood around the outside. You stepped closer until you could see the contents of the hole and what you found was a small pile of dead cat skeletons in the middle of the hole. Terrified, you screamed and ran back the get your parents and grandmother.

However, you were only told not to just wander off too far where no one could find you. You pointed to the direction of where you came from and tried to explain, but children don't have the same considerable amount of vocabulary adults do, so they just ignored you and told you to go back inside.

The only one who didn't react much was your grandmother. She merely stared at you and stared at the direction of where you came from.

By the end of the day you tried to go back to the spot and show your parents, but when you came back, the skeletons were not there and the blood disappeared. Including that, the hole was also covered up and smoothened out so that it looked as if there never was a hole in the first place. Your parents shook their heads telling you it was all just your imagination and that you shouldn't watch too much television because it'll rot your brain.

You swore you saw it.

Ever since that day, to the rare times you visited that mansion, strange things always happened. Weird things such as: things going missing, items appearing in different spots than they were placed at before, a strange shadowy figure at your peripheral at night, blood in the sinks, and more.

You thought you were going crazy because you appeared to be the only one who noticed these things and no one else saw them.

Is it really just you?


The time came and you and Syn arrived in the attic. The power of the full moon made the symbol glow and revealed a secret small passageway you have to crawl through to reach the other side.

On the other side, you surveyed the room and the room was dark with grey walls. The floor had a large symbol drawn that looked exactly like the symbol outside that you discovered right before entering. The flashlight actually lit up the room enough to see everything inside. The walls were entirely covered in papers pinned to the walls of drawings and words you didn't understand. The ominous feeling you felt in here was immediately brushed away. Remember, as a kid you were never taught to leave suspicious things alone like other kids were.

There was also only desk with just a lone chair. In the desk, you saw a small desk lamp and several papers covering a book on the desk. You cleared the way for the book and you opened it in your arms.

You flipped through each page to find that it is a diary from centuries ago. The original owner wrote about their struggles in life and about how his children were eaten by a strange monster. He then took his own life in fear that he too would be eaten. Then, the writing ends and another handwriting started on the next page. This time, it was a different person: a woman who was grieving over the miscarriage of her second son. Another handwriting was about a young girl who had a run-in with bandits and had her dominant arm chopped off by their leader and swore revenge. Each owner of the book went through misfortune and died an unhappy and unnatural death that had some relation to a creature.

If there was one thing in common in all of these passages, each of them mentioned a shadow creature living in this place that they met and had misfortune after misfortune after meeting said creature.

After reading this, you assumed the shadow was Syn. Who else could it be?

Did Syn kill all of them? You slowly turned around to look at Syn who was eyeing the papers pinned to the walls. Some were spooky drawings, others were ramblings of madmen and madwomen.

You called out to him about the book and he tilted his head. He didn't remember killing them. If he did, he would have known what he did.

You stepped closer to him with the book open in your hand.

Out of nowhere, you received a papercut on your finger and a drop of blood fell onto the drawing on the floor.

You winced from the cut and looked at your finger. How did you get that cut; especially one so deep?

Then, the symbol on the floor glowed. 


From the author: Hi! It's been 84 years... Would you like to pick a weapon to chase me with :) ?

Kisses in the Dark (Yandere! Shadow Monster x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now