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You were lying in bed, wondering about life.


That was depressing.

So you stopped thinking about it and just invited Syn to play cards with you.

You pulled out some uno cards and shuffled it. Syn watched you as you shuffled them with ease and beautifully too! It was like his eyes lit up whenever you did something—even though he didn't really have eyes, just empty spaces where his eyes should be. A sight like this should scare anyone, but for someone like you, it wasn't frightening at all. At least now it wasn't.

You passed out the cards and looked at your hand as Syn looked at his.

As time passed, you figured he was too good and you lost basically 78% of each match. You guessed being locked up in here—all you can do is study and practice.

Syn felt triumphant and hugged you.

"It's okay, you did your best!" Syn cuddled and brushed your hair with his... shadow hands.

You laughed and succumbed to the peaceful feeling of his embrace as he combs through your hair.


On the full moon day, you were relieved to find that you didn't have work on this day in order to physically and mentally prepare yourself for what's to come in the attic. Syn was trying to summon more parts of his body to become whole but failed each time. He could only summon what he had prior when he ate the bodies of all the people he came across. Without thinking too much of it, he hoped to regain a full body again so he could embrace you on those cold nights and warm days.

... again?

Did the thought of wanting to have a body make him remember? Maybe he used to have one... Maybe he was alive before... Or maybe he was some sort of metaphysical entity...

Whatever he was, Syn couldn't seem to remember what life was like before he was a shadow. He didn't have a mother, father, siblings, or anyone nearby him when he opened his 'eyes' for the first time except for a strange old lady he saw around three centuries ago. For eyes, Syn means the hollow spaces in the mass of shadows that's hard to see but are actually his eyes.

As Syn was brewing coffee for you in the morning, he was attempting to remember the old lady from his past. On the floor of that day, there was a circle with designs on it written in blood—her blood perhaps. The old lady smirked and laughed until she coughed.

"Finally! Now I can get back at those stupid nobles who took everything from me! That baron and his fucking whore of a wife!" She balled her fists and stood up. Syn looked at her and shook with fear. What's going on? Where am I? Who is this? Why am I here?

"That mansion... Those riches! Those jewels are supposed to be mine! That baron is supposed to be in love with me! And he tricked me!" She points at Syn.

"And you will kill them!"

Was that why he was summoned? To just kill people? Deep down inside, Syn knew this isn't what he wanted or how he felt. Yet, for some reason, he felt compelled to kill someone.

After receiving information from the old lady, Syn followed his instinct to kill and traveled from the old lady's cabin to the mansion the nobles owned. The baron and the baroness were heading to bed for the night and before heading to bed, the baroness stood in front of the tall mirror and smiled. She stood there to admire not only her beauty, but her now copious amounts of riches and her large stomach. She looked down at her stomach and stroked it gently and slowly.

"I hope you're a boy... Then, you can take over after your father," she whispered. Back in this time, there was no way of telling whether what gender the baby is before it was born, but it is true that men were more favored than women. Birthing a woman means she can't take over the title, businesses, etc.

The first child was born a girl, so the couple were happy, but not as happy as they would be if they had a boy.

"Of course he'll be," said a voice behind her. The baron hugged her from behind and gave her a kiss on the lips, "If not, we can make another."

They both giggled and went off to bed, but not before sharing one last kiss.

Syn phased through the window and hugged every shadow to get close, making sure no light would reach him. Luckily, it was nighttime, so traveling was easier. Syn couldn't touch things in this time because he didn't get to absorb essence of the living yet.

Once the couple were in bed, Syn waited until they fell asleep to jump in.

One minute...



...Twenty seven...

Snores could be heard from the two and Syn came out from his hiding spot.

He expanded his form and opened his mouth...


The next morning, servants from the mansion were in a panic. The couple disappeared and no one has a clue what had happened...

Except for the old lady who was laughing hysterically in her cabin alone.

In the mansion, the little girl was the only one left of her bloodline who was searching frantically for her parents. The servants were trying to console her, but the absence of her family scared her even more.

Back to the old lady...

"Now time for the payment... This part is never fun..." She said.

Payment? What payment?

Syn cocked his head to the side and the old lady began to smile.

"The soul of that little girl they created... It's yours."


"Her soul! It's yours!" She exclaimed excitedly. As if she was going to sacrifice herself. Instead, she had already planned to sacrifice another so she could run free. There was still an heir to the household, and she planned to erase them all from the face of the Earth.

Angry and confused for some strange reason, Syn launched himself towards the old lady and ate her up too. She thought she could get away with cursing someone without paying her toll? Curses come to roost after all. When you curse someone, you also curse yourself. The old lady screamed and cried as Syn showed no mercy to her and ripped her to shreds instead of swallowing her whole.

The old lady seemed to have another trick up her sleeve as Syn was being sucked towards the mansion. He was then teleported into the attic of the house. There was a small space inside the attic hidden away where not many could see unless they actively searched that contained markings on the wall with blood, books and notes from the old lady, pictures, and family information of the baron and the old lady.

He wanted to save the girl, however, it was too late. The little girl had already been marked for the curse. The items had been planted into the attic of that mansion by that crazy old lady and she had marked the family for quite a long time without anyone's knowledge.

For decades, the little girl grew up and met many misfortunes in her life... and her descendants did too. After her death, Syn watched as each heir to the baron's and baroness's all died horrible deaths after a life of misfortune.

"One day, someone will find a way to break this curse..." Syn hoped as he watched another heir be born and not be loved...

That baby was you...

Kisses in the Dark (Yandere! Shadow Monster x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now