The Seal

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Near the end of the year, Syn was waiting for you to come home from work. He was in a room by the window watching the people outside having fun... Or should he say, lack thereof... There was literally no one outside at this moment and if there were, they would be in a car driving somewhere. Even people who aren't working or going to school are in their houses on the internet.

Similarly, Syn was browsing the internet looking up things to study like 'how to paint' or 'how to gain the affection of the one you like' or 'how to survive in the woods' or 'how to have safe sex'...

What was the last bit? You mean 'how to survive in the woods'? Syn finds that to be a very easy task. He's not sure how, but maybe before he was a shadow monster, he may have lived near a forest or where there was a lot of nature. He knows how to build a shelter to live in and knows how to look for food and start a fire. Luckily, light from fires and fires itself don't seem to hurt him.

"This way!"

Syn heard a child's voice outside. He peeked out, making sure the sun's rays don't hurt him and that no one saw him. It would be quite troublesome if he was seen and had a reaction that was much less understanding than yours. In fact, yours was quite strangely understanding...

There were three children outside trespassing around your property. Children really cause a lot of trouble especially during your grandmother's time. They would always spray graffiti and your grandmother had to call the police and pay to fix the paint. The other children only stopped when the police got involved and the children's parents had to apologize.

"Geez, you should discipline your children more! Have you tried whooping their ass?" Your grandmother crossed her arms.

Syn was in the mansion and watched.

Now, he just smiles and chuckles at the memory. This time, this was a different group of children causing trouble. In fact, they are actually teenagers who are at the stage of puberty. Instead of having spray cans, they had pebbles and bats in their hands.

They were planning to destroy your place!!!! Syn jumped in anger and rushed to the indoor room near them, listening onto their conversation.

"Oh shit, it's the cops..." One of them said and they hid their rocks and bats.

There are police officers that patrol the neighborhood to deter crimes. After seeing the teens, the car pulled to a stop and the officer in the car told the kids to go home and not trespass on someone else's property. This is their only warning.

Syn kept them in mind and remembered their faces.


During your winter vacation, you decided to do some cleaning finally. Ever since you were here, you didn't have much time to clear the clutter around the mansion. Although the space around was cleaned by Syn despite visiting it, he admitted he never cleaned the attic. He says that he just feels a creepy vibe there as if he was the one to talk about 'creepy'.

You and Syn walked upstairs to the attic door and opened it slowly. Syn hovered above you and flew into the room as you walked in.

In the attic, it was just as cluttered as you thought it would be: full of dust, cobwebs, old furniture here and there, boxes of toys and other items, photos, paintings, etc...

"..." Syn shuddered. He never liked being up here. The only times he would be here is to look out the window when you came home, but even then he decided to fly to another room to do that. Noticing Syn's discomfort, you two agreed to only clean and declutter for about 2 hours every day until the entire attic was clean.

"Hm? What do we do about the old things? Well, if you don't want them anymore, you can either sell them or dump them," Syn continues, "If there is something you want to keep, take it."

The shadow flew over to the right side of the attic, so you focused on the left. The first thing that caught your eye was a photo album. You thought that it was a golden opportunity to look at how your family looked when they were younger, so you opened the album. Upon flipping the pages, you saw a multitude of photos of your young grandparents, young parents, and young relatives. However, you didn't see a photo of you... You flipped around until the end to see a date etched at the end that stated that the end of the album was around three years before you were born. You guessed your pictures were in another album.

You set the album to the side of the 'keep' pile and continued looking. You put aside old and broken furniture to the 'throw away' pile. After a while of cleaning, you found a piece of paper with a red symbol on it inside of a black book with nothing written inside. The symbol looked as if it was something out of a black magic horror movie. On the bottom of the paper, there were words written:

'He comes at the full moon midnight hour'

Then, Syn called you over.

"I think I found the source of the creepy..." He points with his shadow hand.

You turned your head over to Syn looking at a small red symbol on a part of a wall. When Syn tried to touch it, it seemed to have hurt him a bit as he backed away and screeched. You immediately rushed over and asked if he was okay.

"..I'm alright, thanks..." He hugged you for comfort and you stroked his... shadow head...? You didn't really know what to call it since he didn't really have a body.

You glanced at the symbol and saw it was the same symbol on the paper. You took out the paper and compared the images... Yeah, it was the same. You showed it to Syn and asked if he knew what this meant, but Syn knew nothing and shook his head.

"All I know is that the next full moon is in three weeks. We just missed this one a few days ago." Syn said.

So, you two agreed to come back to this again at a full moon night at midnight...


At night when you were asleep, Syn decided to visit the teens before they came back for mischief. Syn traveled from shadow to shadow to check up on the teens. It turns out, they were coming back to this place another day when he was looking over one teen's shoulder while they were texting their friends. Who knows why the children keep coming back to vandalize, but other children vandalized other places around the neighborhood as well, so targeting this place was just like targeting any other place.

Annoying... Completely annoying...

If one could see Syn right now, his eyes would be glowing red with rage and masses of his shadow body were disturbed.

With the large opening of his mouth, he swallowed the teen whole and deleted the text, then threw the phone onto the bed. Luckily, he doesn't have fingerprints, so he can touch whatever he pleases and no one would know.

Then, he visited the other teens and did the same thing.

In the morning, there were three very distraught families wondering where their children were.

Meanwhile, Syn grew some shadow legs to compliment his arms. He can create them and make them disappear as he pleased, but still cannot give his arms and legs color or skin.

He took a good look at his arms and legs and concluded that 'eating' large amounts of people helps make him grow body parts. Without considering or understanding the harm of other people, he gleefully smiled at the idea of how he can hope to embrace you in the future.

"Yay!" He hugged himself and decided to visit you in your dreams again.

Kisses in the Dark (Yandere! Shadow Monster x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now