2 : Screw you, Park Jimin

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"Sorry Im late" I walked to my friends who were sitting around the table.

"Sorry Im late" I walked to my friends who were sitting around the table

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[Without mask]

My cute point:
came late on purpose and grabbed everyone's attention so everyone can see my outfit

"Wahh Jungkook, your aura look so different with that outfit" Bambam said.

"Ah, really?" I gave him my sweet smile.


I looked around, searching for an empty seat.Once I did, I walk to the chair.Before I can sit, I saw someone beside me.

Urgh..Park Jimin is here too??

This is the only seat that empty..I have no choice

"Can I sit here?" I asked him but he just looked up and down my clothes with his sharp eyes.

"That jacket...its look so expensive.Did you buy it by yourself? Even you a high school student ? "


I heard my other friends whispered behind me.

"Or someone had buy it for him. If we're dating him, do we have to buy something expensive to him ??" Taemin asked in curious and frowned

"Ah!! Its not like that!! I borrowed it from my hyung!!" I said with a fake smile.


no no, Jungkook!! Just calm down

"Hey Jungkook, want me to get your food??" Yugyeom offered.

"oh thank you" I smiled to him " You're so gentleman" I giggled.

"eh really?" He shyly rubbed his nape.

"So you want to say that you're not gentleman or a man, Jungkook. I bet you always say that to every guy when they help you, am I right?"



"Pfft-" I can heard Joy and Irene hold their laughter.


-In the male restroom-

" What are you doing!?! Why are you always embarrassing me in front of our friend !?!" I yelled.

" Why didnt you understand!?! it is because they flirted with a guy I like!! " He yelled back.

*dub DAB!!*

"b-but.. you're not my boyfriend.." I looked at the side, tried to hide my red face.

"I think your ugly face is better than this barbie face of yours" He crossed his arms and looked away.

"You talked about a guy in that photo? What does that ugly guy have that I dont??" I smirked.

"I hate that you doesn't love yourself like that guy, Jeon Jungkook"


"Is it wrong?" I clenched my fist. "Ugly. Always live in the darkness and lonely. THERE'S NOTHING THAT INTERESTING IN MY PAST!! I FINALLY GET CHANGED AND I DONT WANT TO THINK ABOUT MY PAST ANYMORE!!!"

Suddenly, I felt a hand cupped my face. "What are y-"

"The day when you walked up on the stage to give a speech.."

Flashback : None POV

"That guy is so ugly"

Everyone was talking something negative about Jungkook except for a boy who was sitting at the front row.

"Ah.. look at how red his face. Poor him. Hahaha"

Jimin felt sympathy towards that boy on the stage until something made his eyes wided

"As the winner for this competition, I-" Jungkook continued his speech though everyone talked shit about him.

That's make Jimin cant stop looking at the boy.

End of the Flashback : Back to Jk POV

"Im so proud of you.. when you still can finish your speech eventhough everyone talked shit about you.." Jimin caressed my cheek "You're beautiful Jungkook...even you dont put make up on your face and get compliments" With that Jimin walked away and leave me.

"..what's...wrong with him..?..always talk about his opinions.."


I cant believe it..

My 'messy' self that time...

..still have one person remembered about it..

..and he was Park Jimin..

He doesn't think I'm cute !?!  { JiKooK }Where stories live. Discover now