Jealous III

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Crystal POV

The day ended luckily without any more call or anything to disturb our lonely time.

I was in zany's lab and he was spooning me kissing me from now to then while focusing on the movies. To say at least...

It was amazing.

"Forever" I whispered.



"Till the stars colloid forever and tell the end of the world forever. You are mine forever"

"I'm yours forever" and just like that we slept in each others arms not caring about a thing
Not the exams
Not the college
And surely not David!.

The next morning

Waking up was always a challenging task for me. Why should I wake up why I just can't lay down forever and watch TV or my phone till I die?!.

"Come one wake up its afternoon" and I felt a pillow hit my face.

"Just go away leave me to my first love" I said hugging my pillow and sheets.

"Outch that means that I'm your second?" He said acting hurt.

"Yeah I love my bed mooore"

"Crystal" he said in a very serious tone.
Wait did I made him angry?!.

"Yes zayn" I said fully turning my self and my attention to him

"Will there be second love in your life?" He asked his eyes never leaving mine.

"Ofcourse no you are my only and one love" I said quickly and truly. "Zayn is something wrong? You know I would never love someone other than you"

He just stared


"Ofcourse no you are my only and one love" the sentence kept repeated and then he exploded in laughing "damn it crystal you should have seen your face, you were so worried" he laughed and I was wondering between 3 choices
First killing him
Second not talking to him for a day
Third fly and try to kick him ..and that what exactly happened.

"WELL YOU....." and I jumped and he screamed running.

"Noo crystal good girls don't say bad words" he said running the stairs.

"Shut the hell up Malik it's your last day in this word you gonna pay for  it" I said screaming and jumping on his back while hitting him.

"Okay okay I give up I'm sorry, please forgive me" he rushed quickly waving with white tissue that he gave up.

"Don't ever do this again, I nearly cried" I shouted/ told him.

"Aww sorry princes" he said and held me bridal style taking me to our favorite place. The couch.

The day went by and we didn't even got bored of just sleeping and it wasn't surprising regarding to this stressful week which very much lacked sleep.

The next week came by quickly to our bad luck and we were getting ready for the day. Let me say that Zayn really surprised me with a really fabulous date but this is another story.

"Shoot me please I want to die before going to the uni again"

"If you promised you will also shoot me so you won't leave me with those monsters aka professors" " I will pick you up after I finish"

"Kay I will try to finish quickly"

"We might as well get frozen yogurt on our way"

"And that's why you are my boyfriend"

".... soon" Zayn  murmured.


"Nothing just replaying my lectures" came his rapid reply.

"Let's get finished with this day" we sighed together

The day went by but I wasn't that enthusiastic as I was before the mid terms. I was exhausted from the exams that I need at least 2 weeks to recover. Everything was as always till my last period of the day.

Yep you guessed it right, chemistry lab.

I got in and met with my friends, the professor came, explained the procedure and told us to split into teams of three.

Me and my friends made our teams and went to start the task till..

"Hey Cloe, why don't you be with us?" Thomas (who Chloe is totally in love with) asked and I can see that she will die from joy.

She looked at us for approval and me and Emily nodded to her.

Then we told our professor that we miss some one and suddenly as he was just waiting for the signal "Professor, I can partner them I work alone". "Sure, David go on".

Then I saw it, David thanking Thomas through signals. To say at least I wanted to wash his face with concentrated sulfuric acid.

"I told you I will partner you" he whispered harshly in my ears and I looked at him sharply.

"You better know your limits cuz I don't like those cheesy plays I'm not the girl who you think I'm, David" I whispered harsher pressing every word.

We got our tools and before we split the work upon us, the door opened and there was my hero, Zayn. I swear I nearly saw him batman coming to save the situation.

He hurried to the professor and I didn't miss the harsh glare he directed to David. I left them and went to Zayn.

"I'm sorry I'm late but I just finished my work"

"It's okay Mr/ Malik you may start with us we was about to begin with the work.

"Okay but I don't understand what to do, so can some one explain to me"

"Sure here miss/ Mieler, could you partner him  your explanation skills are perfect"

"I would be glad Professor" I said smiling to him.

How the hell he persuaded the doctor?! I don't know but he is Zayn and if Zayn wants to do something, he will surly do it.

At that we heard the breakage of glass.

To be continued....

Wohoooo hey guys, I'm still breathing😂
Missed me??!
Sorry for being late as always 😅here is a chapter I hope you enjoy it.

Have fun😘

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