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Liar // Camila Cabello


I haven't even been pacing angrily in my room for two minutes when my window slides open with a thud. Dang loose locks! I've been complaining to Dragon Lady for months about that lock. It was only a matter of time before some psycho broke into my room to kill me.

Yep, it's a psycho for sure. My psycho former BFF.

"What the hell, Chelsea? Get the eff out of here!" Nothing is sacred anymore. Not even a girl's right to wallow in her own room in private.

Chelsea is not fazed by my outburst. She scrambles over the windowsill and slides into my room then stands before me with her hands raised as if in surrender. "As I was saying. It's not what it looks like."

"It looks like you're breaking and entering. Should I call the cops? You are trespassing, because I sure as hell didn't invite you in!" I pick up my phone, which is still powered off, so the threat is an empty one.

"Whatever." Chelsea rolls her eyes. "Go ahead and call the boys in blue, you and I both know they have bigger issues then our girl drama."

I wonder how long it would take the cops to come if there is a homicide. Because I'm seriously close to becoming homicidal.

As usual Chelsea seems to know exactly what I'm thinking. "Wipe that murderous look off your face this instant, sister! I am not the enemy!"

Damn witch. I was really hoping her fast track to my mind had been severed when she betrayed me, but no such luck. Trying to get Chelsea to leave me alone and get out of my life is not going to be easy. The girl sticks like glue.

Chelsea is watching me, standing next to the window with that don't-mess-with-me look in her eye. "Okay, listen up. I'm about to talk and you're about to listen. I know it's not your strong point but give it a go."

I cross my arms and give her my best glare. It's a frenemies face off in my bedroom, something I never saw coming. I never saw any of this coming. Didn't realize Dumb fuck had a cheating and selfish soul. Didn't ever think Emerson would be the person that would bring hope and laughter back into my life. And I sure as fuck never ever thought in a million years that Emerson and my soul sister would slay me in this way.

I am sad and hurt and angry all at the same time. I am not sure if I should burst into tears or start throwing things at Chelsea. But instead I give a loud sigh of defeat and sit on the edge of my bed.

Chelsea takes it as a cue that this is her shot to finally spill her guts, so the girl starts talking a mile a minute. All I can do at this point is steal myself for the heartache that is about to come when my best friend finally admits what she's done and begs my forgiveness. I wonder what it will take to get Chelsea to realize what she has done is unforgivable. There is a girl code damnit. One that she broke in every way possible.

Chelsea is babbling about the fake wedding photo and something about beards. But when she realizes I'm only half listening she storms over and stands in front of me and says in an exasperated voice, "Look, Emerson may be the biggest bonehead we've ever met, but he does truly care about you." Then she gives me a wide smile. "Nothing against your boy, Zoe, but he is just not my type." She emphasizes each word. "You know how I like my boys—serious, smart, older, and rocking a tweed sport coat. Basically the CPT. You know, college professor type. And let's be honest, Emersion is no professor. No offense, but I'm pretty sure your guy isn't smarter than a five-year-old based on how he's handled this whole situation." Chelsea stops and gives me a serious look. "To be clear, I am not now, nor have I ever, dated Emerson."

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