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"I'm scared of hurting you...because I love you."
« • »

Me and Peter don't say anything for a minute, maybe even longer, we just awkwardly stare at each other. It kinda reminds me of a old western movie, where the cowboys would draw their pistols at midday or whatever. However, I'm too gobsmacked to crack a John Wayne joke.

I have no idea whether he just confessed his love for me, or he loves me as a friend. I can only guess by the horrified look on Peter's pale face—that it isn't the latter.


"Gwen?" Peter softly whispers my name. It sends a cold shiver up the back of my spine, but I don't react. Instead, I continue to sit on the edge of the bed and awkwardly look around.

I can't really see out of the window considering this part of LA goes too sleep pretty early, but I'm pretty sure downstairs is smoking weed again. I can just barely see the smoke rising upwards. I really should threaten them with a warning or something. That shit eats away brain cells. The evidence is that Miley and Snoop clearly haven't became the brightest of all people. They got legacies, sure, but they're not getting any smarter.

I'm such a fucking buzzkill right now. Maybe I need something to numb the weirdness?


"Peter...um, hi. Do you want to come to a bar with me? You can say no, but either way I'm going with or without you." Right now I feel inconsiderate, mean, and to be honest a bit of a bitch. I absolutely cannot stand to feel this way, but it's not something that I can help.

I'm saddened that Peter left his apparent 'love' for me too long. When did he even realise that he...sexually...likes me? Was it when he nearly killed me? Or better yet, was when it when I tried to stop him? God, I hope it was neither of those times.

"Can't we just talk about our feelings and stuff?" Our! Did he just say 'our' or have I somehow flown straight into the cuckoos nest? I want to laugh, but also cry at the same time.

This is so freaking weird.

"You was just a hormonal teenager when Thanos snapped, Peter. Those feelings will die the second you start acting your age..."

"I've always had a crush on you, Gwen. Always. I wanted to tell you about it, but I think you was my friend out of sympathy. I didn't want to ruin our friendship..." I mean...holy shit.


I've had boyfriends before. I've had cuddles and kisses. I've even had sex. In all honesty, I'd rather play the drums or play a video game. Love is bullshit. It's nice when you have it...until you don't. I like to compare it to 'story mode' on different games. Story mode is fun, sure, but once it finishes it's boring. You realise how hyped you was over a game that had only twenty hours of actual gameplay. However, when a new 'game' comes out you still invest your time and money in it. It's a endless, and quite ruthless, circle.

Love is a overhyped offline game.

"So you don't feel the same way about me?" The shitty thing about all of this is the fact that I like Peter too. I really like him, but I'm scared that his head isn't in the right place at the moment. I still find his sudden appearance strange.

"No-yes-maybe? Why is this so difficult?! We have other things we need to worry about Peter. There's been a sighting of some guy in a giant mechanical rhino suit...which honestly sounds pretty cray. We definitely need to check that out as soon as possible. There's been so many calls to the police station about him terrorising everyone, and everything, that stands in his way. Like twenty cars and five lorries got totally wrecked this morning, I hate to look at the damage he's done since."

Peter nods his head, although he looks mildly pissed off. I would be pretty pissed too, but our life isn't a movie. This is awkward real life. And right now I want to die.

"Adulthood is shit." Peter mumbles under his breath.

"Peach it." I whisper before standing up and exit my own bedroom. I have a suspicious feeling that Peter Parker won't be here when I wake up, but at least I know that he won't do anything batshit crazy.

He's sobered up from his hysteria...no thanks to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2019 ⏰

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