I have a bad feeling

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~Mia's POV

"Spill." I simply say as I look at my mom , she sighs and she sits down on the couch , I join her as she does.

"Me and your father didn't get a divorce, we were actually still together, we just needed everyone to think it was over, to keep you safe ." my eyes slightly widen .

"What do you mean keep me safe ?" I ask her , she gently grabs my hand, she looks at me and i could see the sadness in her eyes .

"Marcus was in a gang with his best friend Trevor, Trevor named it the shadow. The two of them recruited members and they were horrible. Marcus didn't want that life anymore but when he tried to leave they would threaten me and you, so we had a plan to fake our divorce so we could be safe , but Marcus wanted to keep you so I let him."

She stops for a minute letting me digest everything in, I couldn't believe what she was telling me.

"He would be capable of protecting you, but I would get threats at work, going shopping , everywhere, so I had to leave. Soon the shadow was passed down to his sons, I don't know who they are but I hope they never come near you." After all this time I didn't my mother knew any of this. But she does, she even knows about Damon and vicious. Not fully though , i close my eyes and sigh .

"Mom, I know them." her eyes slightly widen as I say that,

"Who are they ? Do they know you're a Sanchez?" she quickly asks, I stay silent for a moment but then speak.

"I date him, mom." I slowly say, she looks at me with disbelief.

"You will break up with that boy immediately, if I had known damon was a Rose, I would have never let him in this house." she says, I quickly stand up.

"No! I'm in love with him." I say loudly , my mom looks at me with confusion,

"You love him ?" She questions with disbelief.

" yes! I love him." I say to her, she stands up and looks at me .

"I just want you to be safe mi amor, he's a dangerous man. " she says quietly,

"I'm a dangerous woman, mom." I walk away and head up to my room, I slam the door and lean against it .

"Are you okay?" I gasp as I see damon sitting on my bed, I run to him and hug him .

"I'm fine, now that you're here." I say to him, he tightens our hug and we then pull away .

"Jenna was attacked , well almost." he says,  my eyes widen. What does he mean almost attacked ? What happened when I was busy ?

"Wait, what ? I have to go see her." I say standing up.

"I know." he says , he gently grabs my hand.

"I'll meet you out there princess." I nod and head downstairs.

Jessica's POV

I walk out of the grocery store and head to my car , as I get to it I open the trunk and start to put the bags in, I hear a noise behind me and I immediately turn around.

"Vicious?" I say surprisingly, he walks closer and I hold in my breath for a moment,

"Were you..following me ?" I say slowly , he stays quiet for a moment .

"Yes, I was. " he says bluntly , I look around and then back at him .

"Why ?" I ask him, he let's out a breath and he steps closer.

"I want to make sure you're safe at all times." he says quietly, I suck in a breath. Is this actually happening?

"Why?" I whisper, he then gently caresses my cheek , I quietly gasp as he does and he leans closer, as he does his phone rings, I look at him and he's smirking .

"Saved by the phone ." he says , he backs up and answers the phone, I let out a breath I feel like I've been holding for so long .

"Alright , I'm coming ." I hear him say , he turns to me .

"I'll drive." He says getting into the car, I slightly smile and walk towards the passenger seat .

Did we almost kiss ?

~Mia's POV

I walk in to see jenna sitting on the couch .
"Hey." I say , she looks up and quickly gets up , we hug as we get to each other .

"Are you okay ?" I ask her, I feel her nod yes,
"I am now." I smile and hug her tight, we pull away and I look around to see Alexa, Hale, Jake, Vicious and James walk in along with Damon.

"We need to talk. " Damon says, we all look at him .
"What's wrong?" I ask him, he sighs and pulls out something from his front pocket ,

"Hale got this email and I printed it out." he says
, he hands me the paper and I read .

I'm looking forward to seeing you Mia, count your days, I will catch you alone .

"He's after you , Mia. " I hear Jake say , I swallow hard and I crumble the paper .

"He won't lay a finger on you." I hear Damon say , he walks closer and puts his hand on either side of my face ,

"I promise, I won't let him get to you." he whispers, I nod and I hug him ,

"We can't let anyone get Mia, if they want her we want her more ." Alexa says ,

"I have a bad feeling, that this is the beginning of something horrible ." I hear Jenna say quietly,

"We'll be okay sweetheart." James says ,

"We will ." I tell them, I pull away from Damon and look at all of them.

"We're smarter and stronger, whether they bring 100 people and even though there's only 11 of us we'll still be more powerful, because we are the shadow ." I see Alexa smirk , and I see James nod his head in agreement,

This is going to be a crazy year , I can feel it .

Jessica's POV

I'm currently with Sarah , Hannah and haily ,
"What do you think of everyone so far ?" Sarah asks , we're at lovely's restaurant at the moment .

"I like everyone a lot, thank you guys for bringing me in." I say to them , I take a sip of my drink .

"Of course, you're always gonna be with us. " haily says, I nod, I hear Hannah clear her throat .

"So, what's going on with you and Vicious?" She says smirking, I cough as she says that, they laugh as I do.

"W-what do you mean?" I ask her, Sarah scoffs and playfully rolls her eyes ,

"Oh please, we know something is going on." she says ,

Is there ?

Marie's POV

I'm currently sitting on my bed typing in my laptop , as I do I heard a noise coming from downstairs, I quickly go check it out.

"Hello?" I say yelling downstairs, I go slowly downstairs, as I reach the bottom I'm pushed against the wall  , I open my eyes to see Mia ,

"Tell me everything you know."

That's it for this chapter! What did you guys think ?

What do you think about the truth Mia's mom told her ?

Do you think she's hiding more?

The shadow ( book 3 )Where stories live. Discover now