trente huit

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Alice knew something was very, very wrong when the connection between her and Tatum was disrupted.  She set the phone down and quickly ran to the treaty line. She waited until she could smell the stink of wolf. A dark grey colored wolf halts right in front of Alice. She knew this was the newest one, Jared Cameron. 

"She must be kept safe," Alice states. The wolf seemingly agreed by nodding its' bigger head. "I know who you are, Jared. There is no need to hide from me."

Jared turns human and immediately grabs a cloth Alice had held out in her hand for him. He slips the pants on and looks her in the eye, crossing his arms over his bare chest. Her gaze hardens and he accidentally lets a weak whimper out.

"Where is she?" Alice demands. Jared looks at the ground, guilt shadowing his vision. She definitely knew something was wrong. 

"Meet us in the woods behind her house," Jared says, listening as a faint howl echos through the trees. He shapes back into the wolf and uses his teeth to carefully hold the pants in his mouth for later. Alice sighs as he scampers back towards the cabin. 

"I still can't get over that damn stink."


Alice only trusted Carlisle to come with her to the home. So, the two stood there, waiting for the stink to overflow their senses as a sign of their presence. Just as they thought the wolves would never come, a horribly strong dog smell invaded their noses. A group of three giant wolves presents themselves to the two vampires.

"We just need to know if she is safe and unharmed," Carlisle says, lifting his hands up in peace. "If not, we can help her."

The three wolves look between each other, seemingly coming up with an answer. They would let the doctor come with, but not the other one. The biggest one in the middle points his head in the direction of Carlisle but shakes his head at Alice. The two seemingly understand and Carlisle pulls Alice towards him. 

"Go home. Don't tell anyone, even Edward. We don't need him marching there himself," Carlisle says, kissing Alice's forehead and sending her off. He slowly follows after the wolves, the three surrounding him as the biggest leads in the front. They soon make it to the cabin, the wolves not changing back. They escort Carlisle into the cabin and he stands there, in the entryway, as Tatum comes into view. 

She was conscious, sitting upright on a mattress, now tainted red. Her right shoulder was exposed but faced away from the company. Her white sweater was now on the floor and she had a towel over her maroon bra covered chest. She was very vulnerable and uncomfortable, Carlisle didn't have to be an empath to see it. There was another darker-skinned woman hold a wet cloth to the back of Tatum's shoulder. 

He quickly gets into action, taking the place of the woman. She steps back and allows the doctor to do his thing. The three wolves form a semi-circle around the humans and vampire. Carlisle lifts the cloth before observing her shoulder. There were two claw marks running for five inches on top of her shoulder blade. 

"How much blood has she lost?" Carlisle asks the dark-skinned woman. She plays with her fingers, trying to come up with an exact answer.

"Probably about a liter," she says, hoping her approximate is useful. "Why? Is that a lot?"

"She's turning pale and her heart rate is dropping just a tad. I'd say she has about a quarter of a liter before it turns severe," Carlisle states calmly, inspecting the cuts more. "Can you grab a first aid kit?"

The woman runs to a nearby room and grabs a red box. Carlisle quickly grabs the alcohol and dumps some on the rag, he digs for another towel. He hands the clean one to Tatum, telling her to use it as a scream rag. He presses the alcohol towel to the marks and she gasps loudly. Carlisle cleans the cut quickly before placing a dry towel on the two marks. 

"Do you have any needle and thread?"

"WHAT?!" Tatum shrieks, she knew that it was deep but she didn't know it was that deep.

"Also, do you have any acetone and hypochlorite bleach?" Carlisle asks the woman.

"Is 6% good enough?" she asks, stroking the big wolf's head.

"That would be perfect," Carlisle says. The woman quickly grabs the two things and a clean washcloth. Carlisle quickly makes homemade chloroform ((a/n: which is very dangerous)). He places a small amount in the cloth and places it in front of Tatum's face. "Don't inhale it completely, just take a small sniff."

She follows the directions and it takes about five minutes for her to be completely passed out. Carlisle starts on the stitches and quickly gets them done. The four Quileutes never leaving the room,  watching as Carlisle cleans up the workspace and washes the blood off his hands. 

"Would it be all right if I took her for some proper care?"

One wolf shook his head no and the other two shook their heads yes.

"Ignore him, he's just being sassy."


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