quarante sept

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School had finally ended for the day and Tatum told Jasper their plan for the night, as they were partnered in History III (obviously). Jasper was going to ride home with Tatum and then spend the night. Fortunately, both their parents were very lenient when it came to spending the night at each other's houses. 

Jasper hops into Tatum's as his other siblings wave him off. The two talk about school and other things during the short trip to her house. When they get there, they're instantly greeted by a shirtless Avery. 

"Auntie! Ja-per!" 

Tatum laughs as she sees her dad running after the toddler. Jasper grabs Avery and quickly hands him over to Mr. Fernsby, the grandfather looking very relieved when he sees the two of them.

"He's been talking about you since she left," Mr. Fernsby says to Jasper.

"Père, we have an assignment to do," Tatum says, looking at her nephew as he wiggled in his grandpa's arms. 

"Tu seras vierge demain, d'accord." her father says. Tatum looks at him with wide eyes. Her dad had been open about stuff, but not that open.

"Papa! Of course I will be!" Tatum says, dragging Jasper with her upstairs. 

"Door stays open!"



Studying with Jasper was way more fun than just silently studying in silence. He would read to her about their topic, famous serial killers from a specific decade (which just so happened to be Jack the Ripper), and then Tatum would write down the things they needed to study.

"Jack the Ripper was an unidentified serial killer from London. His murderous reign started in 1888 and supposedly ended in 1891. The reason behind his sudden stop is unknown, but it is a haunting story that is told widely among the people of England."

"1888? Wasn't that around your time?" she asks, quickly finishing her writing. Jasper looks up from the online textbook and into her eyes. She had just made it very awkward. She goes to say something else but Jasper beats her to it.

"1863 was mine, but there is something you may want to know..."

"Oh lordy."


"So, your friend Charlotte stopped Jack the Ripper? And you were there to watch it? And his name was actually Damon?" she asks, attempting to access the new information.

"Yes, his name was Damon and he was taken down by the thing he was hunting. A woman. Damon thought Charlotte would be an easy target because she was by herself, but he didn't realize she was hunting too," Jasper says, trying to find a specific page. Tatum starts to laugh.

"Damn, that's one badass woman right there," she says proudly. She now knew the real ending of the murders, and she wouldn't want it any other way. Except without the murders, that's the one thing she'd like to change. But, otherwise, it was an amazing way to catch a serial killer.

"I've written her letters about you. She said you two should meet, but then again, she doesn't know you're human."

"Really? Why not?" she asks. 

"Darlin', we haven't been completely honest with you about a lot of things." Jasper starts shyly, he scoots towards her and takes her hands in his cold ones. "Human relations aren't legal in our law. If our high court found out about us, they'd either kill you or make me...they'd make m-"

"Turn me. They'd make you turn me. But why? Why would you, specifically you, have to do that?" she asks. Jasper takes a second to think through his reply before deciding it was good enough.

"Because they want to see if I care for you enough to keep control."

"Oh, so it's like a drug? Once you start it's hard to stop, right?" she asks, trying to understand the best she can. He nods shamefully. She uses her hand to lift his chin up, she keeps her hand on his chin and just lets him look at her. "Everything will be alright. I promise."

"Pinky promise?"

"I pinky promise, cowboy," Tatum says teasingly. Jasper smirks and pounces on her, making them both tumble on her bed. She laughs wildly and he starts to chuckle. Jasper starts to press his cold hands on her warm neck. She gasps and tries to pry his hands away, but it was no use, he just kept pressing cold against hot. Soon, her neck had become cold and Jasper took that as her sign of surrender.  

The two lay on the bed, their homework completely forgotten, and they just lied there. Tatum put her head on his chest and he wrapped his arms around her. It had been decades since he'd been able to hold someone so dearly. Tatum had her arms around his torso and he could feel the heat radiating off her. Everything felt in place. Until Jasper decided to place his hand under her shirt and flat on her back.



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