chapter one (rewritten)

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Bold = thoughts

Jenna's POV
I was sitting in the bathroom cleaning up my wounds from my dad. I bit my tongue to keep me from screaming not wanting to anger him anymore. My dad was not always this way.

He was actually a great dad but ever since my mom died when I was a little kid he started drinking and it eventually got worse to the point where he would start hitting me.

He always blamed my moms death on me cause she had to pick me up from school. And honestly I think it really is my fault. If I had not have gotten sick that day then she wouldn't have had to pick me up.

After I got done I saw him sleeping on the couch.

"I can't take this any more I'm running away tonight."

I went to my room as quietly as I could and packed some clothes, money and a photo of me and my mom and just as I was about to jump out of the window I here my dad yelling and screaming while stomping up the stairs.

He busted through my door and saw me at the window.

" what are you doing at the window?" He slurred.

" j-just getting a little air."

He seemed to have bought the lie thank god. But he came over to me and slapped me knocking me down to the ground.

" get up you slut and go get me more beer."

Deciding to use this chance I got out but I am never coming back.

??? POV
"This is it. I will finally have my mate. I will make her love me. But first i have to take care of her father. "

I got inside the house and find jenna's dad passed out on the couch. And he wakes up and looks at me.

" I absolutely despise humans like you. To think that a girl so beautiful and amazing came from you is something I will never understand."

At this point I lift him up by the neck and I pin him to the wall without struggle. My eyes changing color and fangs poking out of my mouth.

" Jenna never deserved any of this to happen to her. And quite frankly you don't deserve a daughter like her. And I will never let you hurt her again."

Not wasting another second I savagely dig my fangs into his and kill him.  Now all I need to do is find my beautiful broken mate.

Jenna's POV

As I was walking down the street I felt like I was being watched but I let it go. Then I began to hear footsteps and started running away.
I turned into an alleyway and hid behind a dumpster. When I thought the coast was clear I stood up and walked down the alley. Before I was able to leave I got grabbed from behind and a wet cloth was held on my mouth.
I tried to scream for help but it just got muffled. Even trying to fight my way out of this seemed useless cause I was held in a firm but gentle and grip and at this point tears are falling out of my eyes.

"Shhhh just breathe. Everything is gonna be alright. You just need to breathe."

I tried to focus on every muscle in my body and not breathe but it was hard. And my lungs were starting to hurt. I did everything I could to get away from him but his grip became tighter. I had no choice but to breathe and when I did I inhaled a sickly sweet chemical.

" That's my girl just keep breathing."

I began to get dizzy and my whole body felt weak. The cloth got taken off of me and I could breathe fresh air. I got picked up bridal style and put in a car. I couldn't see whoever it was cause it was to dark.

" Go to sleep baby. Its gonna be okay. I got you."

That was the last thing I heard before I finally fell asleep.

??? POV

After i put jenna in the car I wiped her tears and kissed her forehead gently. Grabbing the stuff from my backseat I gently tie her up and put the seat back covering her up with a blanket.

" im so sorry darlin. I never wanted to do it this way. I just hope that you can forgive me and love me like I love you. I promise I will never let anything happen to you. I'll protect you with my life. My beautiful mate. "

With that said and done I get in the driver side and drive to my house occasionally checking on jenna.

~~~time skip the drive~~~~

I pulled up to my house and see jenna is still asleep. So I gently pick her up out of the car and carry to in the house to my room.

Placing her down on the bed I sit there for a few minutes and run my fingers through her hair thinking how lucky I am to have her. Kissing her forehead I quietly walk out the room to let her sleep.

So what do y'all think? Is it better than the original yall let me know.

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