Prologue 2#

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I ran.
As fast as I can.
As fast as my legs could carry me.

Me: Fuli!

I searched for her. EVERYWHERE.

I saw her.
Me: Fuli!
I screamed happily, and ran to her.

She kicked me away.
Fuli: Kion.... we are kinda in a middle of something!

Then, I saw Azaad, sitting near by her.
He licked her cheek.

I just stood her, surprised.
Me: what is happening?!

Fuli: oh.... didn't I tell you? Me and Azaad are a couple now.

Me: w-what? Fuli.... I love you!

Fuli: really? Ha! I think you ard too late, Kion. You needed to tell me on time!

Me: but.....

Fuli: goodbye, Kion.

Then, Fuli and Azaad started nuzzling each other.

I just walked away.
I couldn't stop the tears.

Me: I'm so stupid...... I needed to tell her in time!

I lay on the ground, crying, and screamed from my soul...

I opened my eyes, and saw Fuli, sitting in front of me.
The light from the entrance of the cave made Fuli's green-emerald eyes glow, and the sunlight matched perfectly to her fur.

Fuli: is everything okay?

Me: (blush) of course. Why wouldn't it be?

Fuli: well...... you were sleeping and I heard you screaming my name.

I breathed hard.
I Have to stop dreaming about her.....

Fuli: did you have a nightmare?

Me: yes! A BAD nightmare....

I am NOT in love with Fuli, I am NOT in love with Fuli, I am NOT.......

Fuli smiled.
Fuli: you look great today.
She said and went out from the cave.

I tried to hide my blushing face and my beating heart.

I closed my eyes sadly and sighed..

Shit, I'm TOTALLY in love with Fuli.....

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