Kion And Fuli's Celebration

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Fuli followed Kion.
Then, suddenly, Kion stopped.
Fuli fell on the ground, and Kion helped her get up.

Kion: welcome to my secret place!

Fuli: WOW.....!

Fuli smiled very widely, and her eyes were shining.
The place was AMAZING.

The flowers were floating on the water, and the water falls were shining by the sunlight. Fuli started walking, and so did Kion. Butterflies were flying around them, and birds were singing for them.

Fuli: is that your secret place?

Kion: well.... Not really.

Kion: Kiara brang me here the day I ran to Pridelands after the exile. She told me she was going to here with Kovu before he died.
He looked down.

Fuli: wait..... Did Kovu DIE?!

Kion: yeah.....

Fuli: what happened?

Kion: he got sick, and we couldn't save him.

Fuli: oh... Sad...

Kion: yeah....

Kion let out a deep sigh.
Kion: Fuli.... Can I tell you something?

Fuli: sure. What is it?

Kion: when I first met you, I knew you are special. You are the best girl I've ever met. You are the first one I said "I love you" to, and really, fully, truly, I meant it.

Fuli: what about Rani?

Kion: Rani isn't my true love. She treated me, and I've always loved you. I must be so blind by her....
Kion: when we were younger, I've always wanted to tell you how I feel, but.... I guess I was too late..

Fuli: why do you love me?

Kion sighed.
Kion: you'd think that this question will be easy to answer, but...... Sadly, it isn't.

Fuli: why?

Kion: love has no rules, no reasons, no conditions, no ways.... Love works in mysterious ways.... And love is evil....
Kion: I have no reason why I love you.....

Fuli: then.... Why are you with me?

Kion: I love you, because....
Kion: because who you are.

Fuli smiled.
Fuli: that's why I love you, too.

Kion: Fuli, you are the best girl I've ever met.

Fuli nuzzled him.
Fuli: awww.....

Kion: sometimes, I'm wondering why a perfect girl like you would love someone like me...

Fuli looked at his eyes.
Fuli: you're not so bad either. (Wink)

Kion: that's what I wanted to hear.

They both laughed.


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