It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas

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Your POV

I yawn and stretch, shivering a bit. I look out my window and see white puffy flakes falling from the sky. I smile to myself. It was December 1rst and the first snow of the year was today. How ironic. I get up and trudge my way down the stairs of my apartment, being greeted by Roxy, my husky. She slowly stretches and gets up walking over to me. I pat her on the head and fill her bowl of food, then throw some bread into the toaster. I start the coffee pot and grab butter from the fridge. Getting my toast, buttering it, then getting my coffee, putting sugar and peppermint creamer in it. I sit down at the table and eat while thinking. I really was gonna be alone this year. I was never with my family, since they kicked me out after I had problems from high school, all of my friends were, pretty much fake and didn't care, and my boyfriend left me last month due to me finding out he was cheating. So, moral of the story, Im alone now. I finish my toast and take my coffee to the couch, grabbing the blanket from off the back of it and throw it over myself while turning on the TV. Roxy jumps up next to me and lays down. Christmas movies were on. Other than being alone, this was my favorite time of year. I loved seeing the snow, the lights, the fireplace, hot cocoa, memories from when I was a little girl and spending christmas with the family I no longer have. 

I head back to my room, and start the shower. I go and pick out an outfit for the day, which was a pair of black leggings, and a green sweater. I take my shower and dry my hair, getting dressed afterwards. I head back down and say goodbye to roxy as I leave to go to my u-haul storage unit that had all of my christmas decorations in it.  As i'm driving I pass a park that was packed. I had wondered why so I decided to pull into the lot. I park and get out of my car, now hearing music. "What is going on?" I ask myself walking towards it. "Panics playing for free!" Someone shouts running past me. 'Panic? Like, at the disco? No way' I think to myself and run up to the packed crowd. They were definitely telling the truth. Panic at the disco was out here playing. And nobody was charging anyone to get in to see them. It was a true Christmas miracle. I have always wanted to see Panic perform live, but i've always been to broke to be able to see them. 

As Brendon sings "Don't Threaten me with a good time" He looks through the crowd and his eyes land on me. I could have sworn he winked at me. If I had been counting, he probably looked at me 1,000 times during the whole concert. 

As the concert ends, everyone was freezing and trying their hardest to get back to their cars. It was a mad rush. Surprisingly, nobody stayed and waited for Brendon to leave to get a chance to see him. 

I was being pushed all over the place, further and further into the crowd. Losing my sight of direction, I chose to just follow the direction of everyone. 

Brendon's POV

I stand backstage drinking hot chocolate that my crew made me and warming up by the heater. I wanted to go out to try and find the one girl who had caught my eye. I wasn't sure what It was, but there was something special about her. I put my mug down and go back onto the stage to see if she was still out there, but all I see is waves of the crowd leaving. I look harder and see her being pushed around. I feel an anger build up a bit, though, its normal, everyone is pushed around during a concert. I see her turn around and our eyes lock for a minute. I try to wave at her, but I couldn't tell if she saw. 

Your POV

I turn back around and see Brendon on the stage. This time I know for sure that he was staring at me. Just as I try to turn back around, I see his hand go up in what looks like an attempt to wave. Was he waving at me? Or someone else? I guess I'll never know. Eventually, I make my way to my car and get in, letting it heat up before I get going back to where I was originally going. 

I get there and head to my storage unit, unlocking it and opening it up. I walk in and begin shifting through boxes. I find the tupperware that had the tree in it. I grab one end and begin dragging it out of the way. I get all of the other boxes out of the unit and into my car, which takes about thirty minutes. I head back to the large crate with the tree in it. I struggle to move it to my car. 

"Need some help with that?" I hear a familiar voice ask. I turn around to be faced with the one and only, Brendon Urie. "Oh, uhm, yeah, actually, thanks." I respond as him and Dallon take each side of the tree and put it in my car.  "Thanks" I say scratching the back of my neck. "No problem. Names-" 

"I know who you are"  I cut him off. "Brendon. I was just at your concert. It was amazing" I say and he smiles. "Thank you. I think I saw you there" He says and I smile. "So, the eye contact wasn't a dream, nice" I say and he laughs. "Hey, while your here, do you think I could get a picture?" I ask and he smiles. "On one condition" He says with a smirk and I laugh. "What's that?" I ask. "You let me take you out for dinner tonight." He says and my eyes widen. 'No way, Brendon Boyd Urie, was asking me to dinner. This has to be a dream.' I think to myself as Brendon waits for an answer. "Yeah sure. Do you uh, want me to meet you somewhere or?" I ask and he grabs a piece of paper and pen from his coat pocket. He wrote down his number then handed it to me. "Send me your address, I'll pick you up at 8" He says and walks away with a smirk. I nearly melt to the ground as my knees go weak. I get into my car and squeal like a little girl. 'Was this a date? I mean...he just gave me his number,' I think and start freaking out. I add his contact into my phone and then head home. 

I struggle to get the tree inside, but I manage. I begin to put up the tree and decorate it. I string lights up around the house and put up different things here and there. I had the fire going and it felt perfect. The smell of pine needles and sugar cookies filled the air and it was just perfect. I grab my phone and send Brendon my address and sit on the couch. Maybe this was the start of something good?

Merry Christmas ~ Brendon Urie x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now