Date Night

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Your POV

I go to my bathroom and begin doing my makeup for tonight and then go to my closet to find a new outfit, which just so happened to be a shoulderless, black, dress, with a red cardigan, and some black tights. I curl my hair and find my heals and purse, right as Brendon texts me hes on his way. I make sure I have deodorant and perfume. I wanted to not smell bad from the nervous sweating. I had not been on a date since, well, since my boyfriend and I first got together. He never took me out places. It was always, take out food or, ordering a pizza. I was so tired of it and needed a change, so, I was excited, but also nervous considering it was Brendon fucking Urie. Soon I hear a knock on my door and Roxy starts barking. "Coming!" I shout as I try to hush Roxy. I go to the door and she follows. I open it and there stands Brendon. "Hello ma'dam." He says and then looks to Roxy. "Ah yes, and hello to you to, oh, yes, I know it" He says in a baby voice petting Roxy and playing a bit with her. I laugh and we soon head out.

 "You look gorgeous" Brendon says and I blush. "Thank you. You look nice too" I say and he smiles opening the passengers door for me. I get in and feel the warmth of the heater from his car. I felt pretty much naked considering the fact that I wasn't wearing much. Brendon gets into the car and he begins driving. "So, what are you doing in a cold town like this, shouldn't you and the band be up in LA, with family, or something?" I ask and he smiles. "Actually, my family is in this town. They live here, and so, the band and I decided to spend the month here. Thought it would be a nice change" He says and I smile. "I suppose, do you also take girls on dinner dates randomly too?" I ask with a smirk and he laughs. "No, God no." He says and I sigh. "So, what's different about me?" I ask and he shakes his head. "I'm not sure yet" He says and I nod.  

Once we get to the restaurant we go in and get our table.  "So, I hope you like italian." Brendon says while scratching the back of his neck. "Actually, its my favorite" I say and he smiles. Soon a lady comes over to take our order. Brendon gets a red wine for the two of us to share and he orders chicken alfredo while I order chicken parmesan. 

"So, your a fan right? How long have you known me?" He asks and I smile while taking a sip of my wine. "For about 6 years." I say and he smiles. "A true fan I see. No body sticks with a band that long." He says and I smile. "Well, when this band has saved your life, you tend to have a pretty close connection to them." I respond and he smiles. "Saved your life? How so?" He asks and I smile. "You were always there when I needed someone to cheer me up. When I was depressed, your vines and music made everything so much better." I say and he nods. 

Soon our food comes and we both enjoy what we had ordered. We stay at the restaurant for about half and hour more just talking and enjoying each others company. "Well, maybe we should get going. I say and pull out my wallet. Brendon grabs my hand while pulling his out too. "Ill pay" He says and I smile. "So, how about that picture that you promised?" He asks and I smile. We walk outside and go to his car. There was a light snow fall and he pulls out his phone. "Alright, one, two, three" He says, he quickly turns his head and kisses me on the cheek getting the perfect picture. 

Merry Christmas ~ Brendon Urie x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now