Snowed In

23 1 0

Your POV

I wake up slowly and stretch looking around seeing Brendon laying next to me. I smile and get up, then walk to the coffee pot and start it. I walk to my window and see the snow piled up. The snow had stopped last night, but, there was so much that I didn't think we would be able to get out the front door.  I soon hear a low groan and look to Brendon who was stretching. I smile and walk over to him. "Morning. Coffee?" I ask and he nods and slowly stands up. He follows me to the kitchen. I pour him and I a cup and put my sugar and creamer in while allowing him to prepare his as he wants. "Thanks for letting me stay last night. I wouldn't have made it home if I went back out there" Brendon says and I laugh. "Letting you? I forced you to stay. Plus, no need to thank me. You can stay any time you want. Im alone most of the time." I say and he nods. We go and sit down on the couch while turning on the news. The storm was pretty bad last night. Seems most people can't get out of their houses, people are snowed in their cars. "We got really lucky." Brendon says and I nod. "Yeah, we could've been stuck out there in the cold if we stopped" I respond and Brendon smirks. "See I told you we had to keep going" He says with a cocky voice and I raise an eyebrow. "See, I told you you had to stay here with me" I say in return and he suddenly feels defeat. We both laugh and Roxy comes up and lays her head on Brendons lap. He smiles softly and pets her. "Ill be right back. Im gonna go see if you are able to get out. Maybe you wont be stuck here" I say and  head down to the front. I open the door just to be met with another door of snow. There was no way anyone was getting out or in here for a while. I head back up and explain this to Brendon. 

"That sucks, the boys and I were supposed to practice today and try to find someplace to play again" He says and I sigh. "Yeah but, do you guys really want to play in this cold weather? Its not the best. You guys could get sick" I say and he nods. "If you want, you can take a shower, my ex left all of  his clothes here and I havent gotten rid of them yet. They might fit you" I offer and Brendon nods. "Yeah that would be nice" He responds and I lead him up to my closet upstairs and show him the clothes he can pick from. I hand him a towel and let him take his shower. 

About 20 minutes later Brendon walks down and smiles. "How long do you think It will take them to clear out the snow?" He asks and I shrug. "A while" I say while lifting myself onto the counter. I sit there and face Brendon with a smile on my face. "I don't really have much for us to do, sorry about that. All I have is, movies and food" I say and Brendon laughs. "Its okay. We could just talk, get to know each other" He says and I nod. "So, what were you doing at the U-Haul storage yesterday?" I ask and he smiles. "Putting our equipment away from the concert." He says and  I laugh. "So, then what made you ask me out?" I ask again. "Something about you is different. Your beautiful, your eyes, they caught me like a cat and mouse. You pulled me in." He says and my heart skips a beat. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2020 ⏰

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