Heart Beat

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Your POV

I smile as he takes the picture. "Ill send it to you. Here, lets get you home. It's getting cold." He says and both of our phones have a weather alert at the same time. "There's a blizzard coming, we have to go now" He says and I nod. We get in and the snow becomes so thick in the air that we can barely see two feet ahead of us. Luckily, my house wasnt to far, but Brendon, I wasn't sure about that. "This is too much, we have to stop" I say and he shakes his head. "Were almost to your place. I'll get you home" He says and I shake my head. I knew it was a bad idea but, I didn't want to argue about it. "If we stop now, we would have to wait it out in my car, and it's too cold for that, plus, you barely have any clothing." He says and I nod in agreement. "Your right, but then you must come inside with me. No way am i letting you drive home in this" I say and he stays quiet. 

Eventually he gets back to my apartments and we both get out. He walks me inside and up to my door. "Well, I had a great time tonight" Brendon says and I furrow my brows. "Your not serious are you? You can't go back out there!" I exclaim and he looks out my window, only to see his reflection in the white screen. "Fine. I guess you're right." he says and I smile. "I'm gonna go get changed. Make yourself at home" I say and walk up my stairs to my room. I take my cardigan and dress, then carefully take off my tights so they don't rip. I grab a long baggy sweatshirt and some fuzzy pj shorts. My sweatshirt was so long that it covered my shorts making it look like i had no pants on. I put my hair up into a messy bun and walk into my bathroom grabbing a makeup wipe and cleaning my face. I head back down and Brendon looks up at me and his mouth drops. 

"Im wearing pants, chill" I say and laugh pulling my sweatshirt up showing him my pants and I walk into the kitchen. "Hot cocoa and vodka?" I ask him grabbing the stuff from the cabinet. "That sounds wonderful" He says and I smile. I put some milk into a pot on the stove while grabbing cocoa powder and vodka. After the milk is heated right I separate it into two mugs while putting the other ingredients in.  I walk over and hand him the mug while turning my electric fireplace on. "Movies?" I ask plopping down next to him and turning on Netflix. "Yeah that sounds nice." He says and I hand him the remote. "You pic, i'm gonna go grab something" I say and set my mug on the table next to me. I run up the stairs and yank the thick comforter off my bed and run back down. "Ok, so, blanket?" I say and he smiles while turning on 'The Notebook' I smile and throw the blanket over us while grabbing my mug and taking some sips. 

Over time,  Brendon and I end up moving closer and closer to each other, now becoming slightly drunk from the vodka. I lay my head on his chest and smile. I close my eyes and sigh peacefully. "You have a nice heartbeat. You should turn it into a tune for a new song" I say and he smiles and rubs my head. "Maybe I should. Keep the tune in mind dear"

Merry Christmas ~ Brendon Urie x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now