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I left the living room to go get dressed. I couldn't help but think of what Chan has been working on in the studio that causes him to be so late all the time.

I put on a white collared shirt and a beige sweater. I froze, hearing the door creak.

Chan wrapped his arms and legs around me, clinging onto me like a koala.

"Why, doesn't my lovely prince look beautiful?" He rested his head on my shoulder.

"Aw, thanks Channie." I sat down, Chan still clinging onto my back. "Hey I have a question..." I said.

Chan got off and sat beside me. "Yeah?"

"What are you working on in the studio?" He grasped my hand. "It's a suprise." He simply said with a smile.

"Why ask?" His head tilted a bit. "Do you miss waking up to me beside you?" He chuckled.

"Maybe a little..." I shrugged, figeting with my fingers. "Aww, that's cute." He hugged me, tackling me.

His arms were wrapped around my stomach and his head rested on my chest. "Hey don't forget about that ice cream date." I laughed. "Oh right!" Chan sat up.

We walked down stairs, Chan grabbed his car keys from the counter and we got in the car.

~They soon arrive at the ice cream parlor~

Chan opened the door for me, I smiled.

"Order whatever you want." He said as we walked up to the glass.

"I'll take.. Cookies and Cream." I pointed to the white ice cream with the cookie bits scattered around in it like birds in snow.

Chan took out his wallet. "I have an idea." He winked at me, I shrugged, Chan always had good ideas. "One cookies and cream shake, please?" He asked the waitress. "Of course." She walked back to make the shake. "I think I know what you're planning Christopher." I snuck up beside him. "Clever little bear." He booped my nose. "Sir, here's your shake!" She slid the milkshake over to Chan, he slid her the money. "Enjoy!" He nodded and grabbed the shake and two bendy straws.

I dipped my straw into the shake and so did he. I took a sip. I stared at Chan with a smile.

He giggled softly, smiling back.

"Cutie." I whispered.

~They finished the shake, they decided to stay out a bit later and go to the park~

We got back into the car, Chan turned on the radio.

The lyrics of 5SOS filled the car.

 A warm, excited smile formed on Chan's face. I laughed.

"She said to me forget what you thought 'cause good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught!" He sang with a wide smile. I smiled at him.

What harm could it do? I joined in on his singing.

We reached a red light, he changed the lyrics.

"He said to me forget what you thought 'cause good boys are bad boys that haven't been caught." He looked at me, placing a hand under my chin. The light changed and soon did the song.

~They soon pulled into the parking lot that lay beside the park~

I got out the car, we walked down the path towards the pond in the middle of the park. 

Chan grabbed my hand as we got closer.

~The two came up to a small hill after going off the trail, a small clearing surrounded by a circle of trees~

We flopped onto the grass, staring at the clouds.

I turned over onto my side, staring at Chan. He looked over at me then turned over too. "Thanks for the date, Channie." I smiled at him. "No problem, honey." Chan smiled back at me. "We can do this again next week." He offered. "Sure." Chan looked back up at the sky, sitting up as soon as he saw the orange sky.

"Let's go home, it's getting late." Chan said, getting up.

I grabbed his hand, pulling him back. "Why? We have time on our hands, we can go home later." I said softly.

There was a moment of silence.

"Okay.. We can go, I'm sorry." I sighed, getting up and following Chan.

"No it's okay, it's not your fault. I'll make you chicken for dinner." He hugged me, nuzzling his head in my neck. I wrapped my arms around him. "What are we waiting for? I'm in the mood for some chicken!"

We laughed, Chan's arm slid down my side, grabbing my hand. "Let's go."

~They got back into the car and went home~

I yawned as we pulled into the driveway.

I was about to get out the car when Chan picked me up and carried me bridal style.

"Chicken!" I cheered softly.

"Yep!" Chan laughed.

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