Dusk PT.2

54 3 15

"What the actual hell?" I blurted out.

The large wolf creature transformed into a much shorter being.

The two werewolves look at me.

"You remember Changbin, don't you Woojin?" Chan asked me.

"Damn right I do, why the heck did you attack me for?!" I rarely cussed, but at this point I was mad out of my mind.

"Nothing personal, Wooj. Just a simple mistake on my part." Changbin smirked, holding out his hand for a handshake.

"Fuck no, I'm going to a hotel." I stomped into the house and grabbed the car keys, getting stopped by Chan before I could open the car door.

"You can't drive, I hope you know that. Also I hope you know I didn't kill anybody. Atleast be a tad bit grateful that I helped you?" Chan said flatly, not much emotion to it.

He was right, I couldn't drive. Plus, I wouldn't make it far on my own out there.

I sighed, unsure of what to do now. I didn't want to be stuck sharing a bed with Chan tonight.

"Fine, I'll sleep on the couch then." I shrugged.

"Actually, I thought Changbin could stay for the night? He'd be sleeping on the couch." Chan tapped the car with long claws.

"Where am I sleeping then? Because I am not sleeping in the same bed as you." I crossed my arms.

"You'll just have to put up with me beside you then." Chan shrugged.

"Looks like I won't be sleeping tonight then because I'm not sleeping in the same bed as a killer." I turned around and walked back into the house.

*Chans POV*

"Dang, I hope your relationship isn't going down the drain." Changbin walked over to me.

"It won't.. I mean atleast I hope not. Plus, Woojin will come around, he's just.. Mad. He'll get over it and come to his senses." I responded as I walked with Changbin into the house.

I gave him a small tour of the home and grabbed him a pillow and a blanket.

"You'll be sleeping on the couch tonight, my guy." I patted the grey sofa.

"Thanks for letting me crash here for the night. I promise I'll be gone by morning." Changbin yawned.

"Alright, I'm gonna be upstairs if you need anything don't be afraid to ask." I walked away and up the stairs into me and Woojin's room.

It was kind of sad seeing the room so empty and silent. Though I figured it wouldn't last long, it couldn't. People in relationships sometimes argue and they soon get over it.

The hours that passed felt like minutes. It was now 1am.

I got up from bed with a sigh, unable to sleep for whatever reason. Something didn't feel right.

I walked downstairs, Changbin was still on the couch, asleep where I left him.

What was strange was that there were no noises. No footsteps. I became concerned as I hadn't seen Woojin at all the entire time I was downstairs.

I went outside to check if the car was still in the driveway, and it was. Surely Woojin didn't just walk away right?..

"For a wolf with good senses you sure suck at looking for somebody you've spent five years with." The familiar voice drifted from one of the rooms, specifically the pantry.

Woojin walked out with a bag of chips and approched me, he also had a glass of wine in his hands.

"I'm sorry, yeah I acted like a jerk ya know?" Woojin admited, eating a chip.

"It's fine I guess.." I shrugged, eyeing the room and for some reason avoiding eye contact with Woojin.

"Hey, look." My attention landed square on Woojin, who was wearing a white robe and his bear slippers.

He leaned forward and gave me a kiss.

"Let's forget that happened. The whole.. Me accusing you of murder thing, not the kiss."

"Fair enough-" My left ear flicked at the sudden soft scratching on the back door.

"Hm?" Woojin looked over at the door and walked over to it.

I peered over his shoulder as he opened the door,

And there, us was a small snow covered fox.

"Poor thing's probably freezing.. Chan-"

"Its a fox, Woo-bear. We can't let it in the house." I responded, closing the door.

"Wait!" A young voice called as a hand held the door before it closed.

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