What am I?

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So, I'm a girl. But I think I'm trans? I mean, I'm constantly looking for clothes that hide the appearance of breasts, or curves. I'm always stealing my brothers clothes and wearing them. I always think my hair is way way too long, even when it's just below my chin. Even when I'm changing I'll put on a shirt that's way to small under my other one to see what I would look like withought breasts. And when I'm playing online games, I'll make my character a boy. A lot of my friends are males. I like 'boy' things. I feel wrong in dresses and makeup. Hell, it feels wrong just when I style my hair, like, even just a ponytail. But, I'm worried that its just a 'phase'. I think it's not though, because, thinking back, even all through elementary school, I would always be 'boyish'. 

What am I?

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