Chapter 1: Labwork

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You finished screwing on the last essential part of the mech. "There you go, Al. Good as new.". You smiled at him as he looked at his arm. He looked up at you and smiled back at you. "Thanks, babe~. Feels much better now.", he replied with a flirtatious tone. Albert had always been flirty with you. He was a little younger than you, but not by much. You rolled your eyes. "How many times are you going to call me that?", you asked. He shrugged and put his elbow on the desk, while looking at you. "As many as it takes to make you mine, sweet cheeks.", he replied while winking. You sighed and mentally facepalmed. You've rejected him many times, yet he just never gives up. It sort of angered you that he tried so hard.

"Make sure to keep an eye on your arm for awhile. It may malfuction. Just come and see me again if it does.", you said with a serious tone. You dug through the file cabinet and sorted some things. "So, (Y/N), how about a we-", he was suddenly cut off by your angered tone. "No, Al.". He groaned in annoyance and walked up to you. His robotic hand touched your shoulder. "C'mon, (Y/N). You know I like you. Just, give me a chance, will ya'?", he said. You pushed off his hand and turned to face him. "No. You know I don't date. Besides," you looked away and sighed. "I'm not allowed to. The Talon said that dating any members is strictly forbidden.", you replied, looking back up at him. He gave an annoyed grumble and pushed closer to you. It made you uncomfortable.

"Al? What are you-?". You got cut off by him suddenly kissing you. With surprise, you pushed him off of you. You stared into his lust-filled, brown eyes with fear. He smirked. "What the hell are you doing?", you screamed as you looked at him. "I'll be straight with you.", he said, leaning in more. "I haven't had a good day, and you rejecting me for the hundreth time pissed me off even more. So,", his hand touched your thigh and he gave a devilish smirk. "I'm not gonna ask this time.". Hearing this filled you with utter terror. You know what he wanted, but you weren't about to let that happen. You reached for your gun in your pocket and quickly pointed it to his head. "Get. Out.", you said, sternly. The urge to blow his brains out was hard to overcome. This fucker had the audacity to take your first kiss, then wanted to take more. He immediately froze and stared at your angered expression. His hands went up slowly and he backed away. "Woah, woah. Lets just settle down, okay?", he replied with a nervous tone. "I said get out!", you screamed, while standing up. He ran out in fear.

For a moment, you began to tear up. It was silent, besides the small hum of the lamp by the operating table. You lowered your arm slowly as tears began to pour out of your eyes. You were so tired of everything. This war, the Talon, being here in general. You just wanted to go home. But where was home exactly? You were kidnapped and brought here because you would apparently "come in handy".

The door opened, and your eyes widened. You quickly pointed it at the door again, but it wasn't Al. It was just Reaper. When he saw you, he quickly stopped and faced you with confusion. You turned around and wiped your face. "Oh, jeez. Sorry, Reaper. I-uh-I just had something come up. Don't worry about it." you quickly spat, stuffing the gun back in your pocket. He stood quietly and shut the door. You continued standing the other way as you wiped away your tears. "Anyways, what do you need?", you asked, turning around and smiling. He stood, silently staring at you. It seemed like forever before he finally replied.

"Didn't seem like nothing to me.". Your smile faded and you turned around to sit down in your rolling-chair. "I-It's nothing, I promise. Just- what do you need?" you asked, trying to take him off the subject. It was no use. He wouldn't budge. "What did Albert do?" he replied with a serious tone. You sat there silently, facing the other way. He sighed and placed a few pieces of mech on the operating table. "Fix these. I need them back as soon as possible. So don't kill my patience.". You wiped your face and faced him. "Okay. Just, give me by tomorrow." you replied, trying to revert back to your normal tone. He walked towards the door but stopped. You grabbed the pieces of mech and examined them, assuming that Reaper had already walked out. "I'll make sure he's dealt with." he said, a sinister tone in his voice, before walking out and shutting the door. Your eyes widened and you looked at the door. Dealt with?

After a slow day, you unlocked your room door with the handprint scanner and walked in, the door closing behind you. You set down your bag and took off your lab coat, setting it onto the coat rack. You sighed and sat down on your bed, running your hands through your hair. The scene with Albert replayed in your mind, over and over. Including the kiss. It was your first kiss, yet with a complete asshole. You never really thought about having your first kiss. Good thing you had your gun. Reaper's words echoed in your mind. "I'll make sure he's dealt with.". Was he actually looking out for you, or was he just following the rules? You weren't allowed to have any relationships. You then remembered that they kept the operating room monitored with a camera. Maybe he saw? Or he would look over the footage? You didn't want to dwell on it, so you got up and grabbed the bag, taking the mech out. You set them onto your table and began tinkering with them.

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