Chapter 3: Unexpected Guest

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You awoke, a ray of sunlight poking through your curtains. It filled you with a sense of comfort, until you remembered the injured man in your closet. You slowly sat up, sighing, and walked over to your dresser. You pulled out a comfy maroon sweater with black skinny jeans. Setting them onto the dresser, you lifted up your shirt, until you heard a small crash that came from the closet. Is he already awake? You put your shirt back down and walked over to the closet slowly. Paranoia clawed on your backside. You moved the chair and opened the doors quickly. The man was standing there, peeking through the crevices. He quickly retaliated in surprise. You backed up and widened your eyes. He was really tall, and muscular. His hair was a smoky white, and his skin was pale. Wait a second, was he watching you?

It felt like an eternity that you two stared at each other before you finally spoke up. "U-Um, listen. You must be very confused right now, but just know that I only acted in self-defense last night.", you said, a hint of nervousness in your tone. He still stood there, staring. He took a step forward, but immediately regret his decision and grabbed his stomach with one arm, and held onto the wall to keep him from falling. You backed up a little more, but slowly got closer to him. "Easy, easy! The wound may re-open.", you commented. He looked up at you. Even if his visor covered his eyes, you could tell they were pierced on you. Slowly, you grabbed his arm to help him back up, but he immediately backed away. You let go and looked at him. "O-Oh, sorry. I guess you don't really like me very much right now, huh?", you chuckled, rubbing the back of your neck. Again, silence. And more tension.

"Um,", you looked away. "I apologize, for last night. But you were running towards me, so, I acted out of fear. I hope you can forgive me for this.", you looked back up at him. "My name is (Y/N). I'm the tech scientist here. Surely you've heard of me. I get visited by guards about their armor everyday." You looked down at his armor laying beside the closet. "Although, I've never seen a guard wear armor like yours.", you picked it up, and looked at him in confusion. "Or wear a visor, for that matter...", you said with suspicion. He slowly reached for his armor and you complied. You looked down at it in his hands. A number was plastered on the back. "76?", you questioned, looking back up him. He stared at you, then responded. "Thank you.". It took you by surprise and you and stared at him, widened eyes. His voice was deep, and a bit raspy. But it wasn't unpleasant. A wave of deja vu hit you, and you couldn't help but wonder what it was. "Yeah, don't mention it.", you chuckled, looking away.

You walked over to the door and sighed, leaning against it. "Well, I'm sure your commander is wondering where you are. You should probably get going." He looked at the door, then back down at his armor. "Where did you learn to shoot?", he questioned. The sudden question shocked you. Looking down, you scratched the back of your neck. "I can't remember. It's been awhile, ya'know?", you replied. He stared at his armor, as if lost in thought. "Were you an Overwatch agent?", he questioned once more. These questions were bit too personal. You couldn't remember a lot from your past, and you had no clue why. But all you remembered was the explosion and a few memories of the fixing a few pieces of mech for them. You had no idea if you actually were apart of their team or not.

Giving a false smile, you chuckled a bit. "Did you hit your head or something? I was never apart of them. ". He flinched at the word them and looked up slowly. "Although, if you can keep a secret, I do remember looking up to the heroes. But then again, who didn't? They were classic idols. Mercy being my personal favorite.", you smiled. His expression was unreadable, as his visor covered most of his face.

"What about Jack Morrison?", he asked. For some odd reason, that name sounded very familiar to you. "Oh, him?", you looked up at him and crossed your arms. "I guess he was a cool hero.". His grasp on the armor tightened and his breathing increased. It sounded like he was angry. You looked at him with worry. "Uh, sir, you okay?", you asked. "I need to go.", he responded, sounding quite frustrated. "Ah, yeah. You should get back now.", you turned facing the door and opened it with the scanner. He quickly stormed out the door as soon as it opened and down the corridor. You peeked your head out and yelled, "Take it easy, go see a medic immediately!". He ignored your comment and you saw him disappear from view. The door closed as soon as you pressed a button on the wall. You sighed and leaned against the wall once more. So many questions raced through your head. A mysterious man, he was. Shaking your head, you looked at the time, and realized you were running late. You cursed under your breath and ran to your dresser to get ready.

If you took a shower, you'd be in deep shit with Reaper from being late. You took out a pair of (F/N) skinny jeans and a (F/C) tank top. You quickly got dressed and grabbed your labcoat on the way out. As you opened your door, you quickly stopped in place once you saw a few soldiers and a strange man looking at the ground in front of your door. There was dry blood that led to your room. Did they just get here? And how did you not notice there was blood there from last night? They all looked up at you. The man smiled. "Ah! (Y/N), you're awake!". You stared at him in nervousness and confusion. "Sorry to bother you but," he looked at the blood trail and back up you. "we found this trail while coming to investigate last nights' incident." he said, giving off a friendly tone. You stared at him, frozen.

He was quite intimidating-looking. Styled black hair, sharp blue eyes, and a smile that could kill.  He was built well and tall, but not taller than that man you shot. Assuming from his badge, you assumed he was an commander. You gave a nervous smile and put your hand on your neck. "Ah, well, I don't really have the time for that right now. You see, I'm running a bit late.", you chuckled, nervously. "Oh, what a shame. I was hoping that we could get some answers from this.", he smiled, tilting his head a bit. His English accent echoed through your mind and sent chills down your spine. "Perhaps another time?", you asked with hope. You never thought you'd say this, but you would kill to be at work right now. The tension was weighing you down. "Hm, alright then. I'll stop by later.". He snapped his fingers, commanding the two guards beside him to leave. Before he walked off, he stopped once more and looked at you. His eyes pierced into your soul, his devious smile complimenting the fear he gave you. "Don't keep me waiting.". He walked away with the guards and you watched him for a moment or two, before walking the other way. You avoided the dry blood that stained the ground and continued to think about that strange man. Who exactly was he? He didn't have the armor of a regular soldier here. Could he have been the intruder? As you walked, the whole event played over in your mind and his bright red visor stained your memories.

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