Chapter 2: Intruder Alert

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You woke up to the loud alarm and flashing red lights in your room. You jerked your head up quickly and looked around. The alarm light was flashing a bright red while a loud siren-like alarm was ringing. It was very loud and must've just sounded off. You had fallen asleep while tinkering in your room, but that was the least of your worries. There has never been an intruder. So who could be on these grounds? And more importantly, what do they want?

You quickly got up and headed towards the door, pulling out your gun, but paused and looked back by your bed. What if this was your chance to escape? They could be distracted long enough to leave. Without thinking twice, you ran over to bed. You reached under your bed and pulled out a suitcase. As you frantically stuffed things in it, you saw a holligram appear on a small device on your nightstand. "Please stay calm and remain indoors while we deal with this problem. Anyone who goes outside could be shot.", the robot said with a worry-free voice. You looked at your suitcase and then back at the hologram. Was it really worth it? You sighed and closed your suitcase while locking it. You went into you closet and grabbed your (F/C) cloak. It had the Overwatch symbol on the back and was torn in many places. You smiled and wiped it off a bit, preparing to wear it once again. "Die a hero or die a coward.", you mumbled to yourself. You quickly put your hair in a small bun and threw on the cloak. You put the hood over your head to cover your face and hair. As you walked to the door, you took a deep breath and picked up your suitcase. Before exiting, you exhaled and closed your eyes.

Looking around the corridor, it was pitch black, besides the occasional red alarm light flashing. It was like a scene out of a horror movie. You reached to pull out your gun. While doing so, you slowly crept out into the open. You had no clue where you were going, but if they managed to get through, they could've gotten through the exterior wall surrounding the base. Although, it was made of steel. Just as you were lost in thought, you saw a figure appear at the end of the corridor. They were blocking the only exit, and holding what looked to be a gun. They had some sort of mask on with a red visor that covered their eyes. You assumed it was a guard, because it had a big set of armor on. But it was strange, shouldn't they have shot you by now? And the Talon don't use visors for their guards. You cussed under your breath and ran the opposite direction of them. As you did so, you heard fast footsteps echo from behind you. They were faster then yours, which made you point the gun in their direction and pull the trigger. The footsteps came to abrupt stop and you paused, while looking behind you. As soon as the red light blinked on, you saw them on the ground holding their stomach. Did you shoot them? For a moment, you felt guilty.

You slowly began walking up to them, curious to see if they were alive. As you came closer, you heard small grunts of pain. They were raspy and low-pitched. This is when you knew it was a man. You've never shot anyone before. At least, you don't think you have. They slowly stopped grunting and became still. "S-Sir, are you- are you dead?", you questioned, half-expecting them to reply. To be honest, you didn't know why you asked him something that stupid. You kneeled down beside him, not thinking of the potential danger you could be putting yourself in by getting closer to him. He could be faking it after all. "S-Sir?", you called again. You slowly moved his hand where his wound was. Somehow you managed to strike a weak spot in his armor. It amazed you how lucky the shot was. "Over here! I heard the gunshot from this corridor!". The voice had startled you out of your trance and you began panicking. You couldn't just leave him here. They would be suspicious, since you were the only room in that area that wasn't vacant. "Shit.", you cursed, as you grabbed his hands and began dragging him. Your room wasn't that far from where you were, so you quickly opened your door with the scanner and continued dragging him.

The footsteps came closer and closer, causing your anxiety to reach through the roof. You pulled him into the room and quickly closed the door, just as you heard them turn the corner. The door automatically locked, and you looked around your room. You questioned yourself on why you even did this. Slowly, you stepped over him and put your ear against the door. As you heard multiple footsteps pass by, you exhaled with slight relief and looked back at him lying on the floor. Your stress levels increased once more and you rubbed your face with exhaustion.

You looked around for a place to put him. Obviously not your bed, but maybe you could make a makeshift one in your closet. Wherever it was, you needed to act fast. He could be bleeding out. You knelt down and located his wound. There was a lot of blood, which worried you. You applied pressure with one hand and checked his pulse with the other. "Still alive, thank God.", you whispered. Even if you were planning to escape and shoot anyone in the way of that, your inner-self just couldn't let a man bleed out like that. It would be a horrible death. Painful and slow.

You quickly got up and dug through your drawers, finding your rather dusty med-kit. You took it out and quickly walked back over to him.  Taking out the bandages, you sat him up against the wall and began looking for an opening to his armor. Once you found it, you took it off and set it beside you. You reached next for his visor, but hesitated. "I don't think I should do this. It somehow feels, wrong.", you mumbled to yourself. Sighing, you lifted his shirt up and began wrapping the bandages tightly around his wound. You tried your best not to stare at his scars on his chest and continued to wrap them until it was done. You got up and put the med-kit away, then walked over to the sink and started washing the blood off of your hands. A huge wave of fear flood through you as you stared at the blood. Your breathing picked up and you quickly stopped what you were doing. The memories of your father flashed in front of you and you quickly shook your head to try and get it off your mind. Afterwards, you walked over to the closet and opened it. Surprisingly, it was bigger then the average-sized closet, so that came in handy. You walked in and rearanged things, then reached onto the upper rack and grabbed two extra blankets and a pillow.

Afterwards, you dragged him into the closet and set him onto the pallet with care. Brushing yourself off, you sighed, then walked out and closed the closet. Unfortunately, they were louvet doors, so you could faintly see out of it from the inside. You grabbed a chair from your table and placed it below the handles, to make sure he couldn't get out of the closet. You slowly backed up, revising the whole event in your head. Honestly, you were blown away by the whole situation. A stranger was in your closet, possibly on the verge of death. Slowly, you walked back to you bed, trying to process everything. Eventually, exhaustion overcame you, causing you to fall into a deep sleep.

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