Prologue: Rise and Shine

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Tears poured down your face as you stared at his lifeless body. "Dad?", you cried out as you shook him in desperation. You looked at your hands, stained with his blood. It only made you panic more. "Dad! Please, get up!", you screamed as you kept shaking him. It was no use. He wouldn't get up. Your ears were ringing from the loud boom. How did you manage to survive? Panic spread throughout your body. What would you do next? You coughed as smoke filled your lungs. Safety wasn't your biggest priority right now, only you father. Although, you knew he was dead. You just couldn't leave him. "Dad, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.". A deep yet soothing voice echoed from heind you, yet you never turned your gaze away from your father. "It's okay, I'm here."

You sat up quickly and took a big breath of air. Grabbing your head, you looked around in fear. To your relief, it was your dark room. Panting, you wiped your face with your hands and sighed. "The same dream.", you said to yourself. For about 3 weeks, you started having nightmares about that horrid day. The day of the explosion. You lost so much that day. Your father, the heros you looked up to, and yourself. This dream was weird though. Everytime it would end, you would hear a voice. A voice that would always try to comfort you. It wasn't your father's voice. More of a deeper and silky voice. It sounded intimidating. You wondered who it could be, although you didn't dwell on it much. You got up, sighing. Another day in the lab. Fixing mech, weapons, etc. Although, fixing/creating weapons was your dream job, you never expected to be working for the Talon. If anything, you longed to be working for the heros again. In the past, you worked for them. Most of it is a blur though. You had no clue why. All you remembered was the people was in it. But, all the memories of them had mysteriously vanished. Although, the explosion was one thing you remembered as well. You walked to the coffee maker, and turned it on. It made a slight 'beep' sound as it powered on. You placed a mug beside it and walked over to your dresser. Pulling open the drawer, you pulled out fresh clothes for a morning shower. Walking to the bathroom, you left it cracked and began stripping. You looked in the mirror. Running your finger over your cheek, you took in the features of your face. You still look as young as ever, surprisingly. Your hair hasn't changed color, but it grew longer. You had only a few age wrinkles. But you were only in your mid-thirties, so that was average for you.

After a warm shower, you walked out to the smell of your coffee. Walking over to it, you took a sip of it, taking in its flavor. For some reason, coffee always made you feel safe. Once you were done, you grabbed your lab coat hung onto a coat wrack by the door and looked back at your small room once more. You sighed as you stepped out. Another day of hell.

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