Chapter 9 🌑

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Jimin looked at me, no emotion on his face so I couldn't really figure out what he was thinking. He slowly closed his eyes and took a deep breath before speaking, his eyes still closed as he clenched his jaw.

"He called you?" His voice was dangerous and low, very rare coming from Jimin and it scared me to a certain extent.

I hesitated but finally answered, "Yes. It was an unknown number, otherwise I wouldn't have answered it." I said quietly. He exhaled slowly through his nose before opening his eyes, the usually soft brown was bordering on a harsh black.

"Did you at least call the cops?" He asked. I nodded my head.

"Of course! I called you right after then, but you didn't answer...You didn't answer any calls." My voice was weak. I was weak.

"You could have texted me!" He almost yelled making me flinch back but he didn't notice.

I could suddenly feel my own anger rising as I responded to his harsh tone with one of my own, "That seemed like a good thing to put in a text, 'Hey Jimin, hope you're still alive because our dad called and threatened me!'" I was yelling by now, not even caring that we were in a house full of people that I wasn't very familiar with.

He bit back a response and sighed, "I'm sorry Atlas." He said quietly, almost like he was ashamed for reacting how he did. The look on his face gave me a moment to take a deep breath and calm myself down as well before I said anything I would regret.

"I'm sorry too Jimin. That wasn't fair of me to say." I hated pulling the guilt card on my brother, it was honestly horrible of me. I didn't want him to blame himself for something he couldn't stop from happening. I only said it to get the point across that it wouldn't be a good thing to read in a text, but now he only felt bad, making me feel guilty.

I moved closer to him before wrapping my arms around him, him doing the same to me as I suddenly felt him break down in sobs.

"I-I'm so sorry I-I couldn't d-do anything t-t-to s-stop him." He broke out between sobs and cries. I was done crying about what happened to me, so I worked on soothing him and lulling him so he could calm down.

"Jimin I never have and I never will blame you for what happened. Our father is a cruel man and a monster and he did everything he could to hide the truth from you, and it wasn't like I was asking for help either. I was so afraid you'd be ashamed of my weakness or that you would treat me the same, or worse: that you wouldn't even care. I would have rather had you think everything was okay than know that the man we are supposed to call our father was letting these things happen to me." I didn't continue, saying too much would just bring a new wave of emotion to him and he wouldn't be able to handle that. I wouldn't either, I've never talked about it to anyone before. I didn't plan on it. It was my burden to bear and no one else's.

After a few more minutes of Jimin crying in my arms he finally calmed down and gave me a tight hug before pulling away,

"I know I've said it before but, I'm sorry I was oblivious to the signs and that I believed the things he said, you're all I need now Atlas and I'm never going to let anything bad happen to you ever again. I love you Atty."

I smiled. "Thank you. I love you too Jiminie." I decided to not argue with him about not needing to apologize because I just wanted to enjoy the fact that he was here in my arms and much closer to home.

A hesitant knock on the door broke us out of our embrace as Hoseok peeked in from the door, his features startled at the sight of us before composing himself once more.

"Ah Jimin, the boys are asking about you, I didn't know what to say..." He said as he looked between us. Jimin sniffed and wiped his eyes before nodding.

"I'll head down now. Is that alright?" He turned to me and ask, receiving a nod from me.

"Of course. Have fun Jiminie, I'll see you later." He kissed my cheek before standing and brushing himself off as he left. Hoseok turned to me and I patted the spot beside me so he could sit. He seemed hesitant to speak so I spoke first.

"So...How does Jimin know you guys?" I decided to ask. Hoseok turned to me and gave me his usual smile before speaking.

"We've actually known each other for a few years. Him and I were in a dance program for two years together, Jungkook is from Busan too so he naturally ran into him and they started talking, him and Taehyung were lab partners in high school at one point. Taehyung introduced him to Jin, I introduced him to Yoongi, and Namjoon just kind of..." He trailed off, not knowing what to say.

"He just kind of...?" I asked, making Hoseok laugh a little.

"I'm not quite sure actually. Jimin introduced him to us." He said. I nodded, curious myself but not really concerned at the same time.

"Speaking of Namjoon. Where is he?"

Hoseok gave me a confused look. "I'm just need to get my phone back from him." I explained and he nodded before pulling the both us off the ground.

"He should be in his room, I'll show you real quick before going back downstairs to talk to the guys." I nodded, hesitant to let him leave me alone with him but deciding that this was my battle to fight alone. The stupid battle of getting my phone back from the asshole that stole it.

When we left his room, he lead down the hallway before stopping in front of a closed door. Hoseok gestured to it with a smile before giving me a pat on the shoulder and leaving me to the lion's den.

With great hesitance, I lifted my hand and knocked lightly on the door. There was some shuffling on the other side of the door before the door finally opened to reveal that stupid smirking face that I've come to be familiar with along with a bare wet chest. I immediately felt a blush spread over my face at the sight and almost hauled ass out of there and saying fuck it to my phone at the sight of Namjoon covered with just a low hanging towel around his waist.

"You took your time babygirl." There goes my bashfulness as I remembered exactly who was in front of me.

Is shit gonna go down? Stay tuned for more 🤗😏🤗❤️

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