Chapter 7 🌓

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I'm bored and at work so I figured I'd do another chapter. Namjoon gonna seem like a real hoe at the beginning here .~.

Okay so, I lied. I felt bad of course, but I was really motivated to get my phone back from Namjoon. There were things he could see that I didn't want anyone to see, and things that could happen that I really...didn't want to happen. People who haven't called in forever that might decide to make a call for once, and I wouldn't be the one answering it.

So I locked myself in my room and pulled out Namjoon's phone, ready to figure out his passcode. It was a four digit pin and I had a few ideas on where to start. I was hesitant to try Hoseok's guess so I'd save it for later. My first attempts were to try birth years, he couldn't be much older than me and I was born in 1996.

I decided to start from 1990-1995, I knew he was at least a year older than me but none of those worked. I didn't want to actually try it, but I had no more ideas so I did.


I guess I wasn't too surprised when it unlocked. I immediately went to his messages and looked through the most recent ones.


I snorted. The last thing I expected to find at the top of his message list was his mom. But I continued.


June 1





June 2

For some reason my heart clenched at Babygirl before I remembered, I'm nothing special. Why would I want to be special to him anyway? I decided to keep looking. I scrolled through, but none of them were my name. Of course he wouldn't actually use my name, so I did the logical thing, I just typed my number into the search bar and the only thing that came up was...Babygirl?

I felt my body tingle at the fact that I was the only 'babygirl' on his phone at least, but that didn't mean anything to him or me. He still had all of these other girls at his beck and call and I wasn't going to roll over for him the way they did.

I clicked on the contact and pressed the call button. It rang for a few moments before the familiar voice rang into my ear.

"Hello Kitten. I see you figured your way out into my phone?"

I scoffed, "It wasn't hard. 6969. Really?" I could hear him chuckle.

"I changed it to make it easier for you."

"Whatever Namjoon. You couldn't have changed my name though? I had to look through all of your conquests names just to find mine hidden in it." I huffed and he laughed.

"I think it suits you...It appears you even gave me a pet name as well?" I blushed.

"It's because you are a jerk. But I'm not yours or anyone's 'babygirl'."

"So I've been told Kitten." I could hear another voice, sounded like a males.

"So why did you take my phone if you knew I'd figure out it was you?"

"I figured you'd have no choice but to talk to me." I could actually hear the smirk in his voice.

"I could have just had Hoseok get my phone y'know."

"But I knew you wouldn't. You have too much pride to seek the help of others." He laughed making me narrow my eyes at the wall in front of me.

"Stop acting like you know me Namjoon. Why did you actually take my phone?" I was getting irritated.

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