Chapter 11 🌓

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"Now that we are out of there, will you tell me what just happened?" Hoseok asked as he glanced over at me from the drivers seat. I sighed and looked at my lap, feeling unworthy of meeting his eyes.

"Hoseok it' your best interest if you just don't associate yourself with me. I'll only cause you problems and things just won't work out the way you want them to."

"How do you think I want things to turn out?" I looked up at him and saw his smile. The one where the apples of his cheeks are more defined and he gets the cutest dimples on the corners of his lips. It was a smile that made you smile no matter the circumstance. So I smiled.

"I...I guess I'm not sure. It shouldn't matter anyway though." My voice was a low mumble but someone must have beat this boy with a happy stick because that smile never dropped from his face.

"Why would you say that?" He asked, voice curious, and I wished I could give him a straightforward answer, but that was always difficult for me to do.

"Because-" My voice caught in my throat, because I really didn't know what to say. Yet the expectant look on his face made my mouth run off without me. "Because my past is not easy to hear about, but it's what makes me who I am now. So without knowing my past you can't really know me. Does that make sense? I feel like it does and it doesn't. Did it? Maybe?" Now words spilled out of my mouth like vomit, I was having a hard time shutting up, but Hoseok gently grabbed my shoulder and that seemed to stop the never ending flow from my mouth.

He stopped at a red light and turned to me, his smile was softer along with his eyes as he gave my shoulder a gentle squeeze before dropping his hand back to the steering wheel. "It makes perfect sense. Will you tell me about it?"

I sighed, slight frustration building inside me at his persistence. But it wasn't his fault. I just wasn't used to people caring about me enough to want to hear about my fucked up family. "Hoseok. Are you hearing anything I'm saying? At all?" My voice was slightly sharp, but it wasn't to be rude or anything, not that it bothered the ball of sunshine.

There was that smile again, along with an enthusiastic nod as his eyes left the road briefly to look at me. "Of course. It sounds like your trying to get out of being my friend but-"

"NO! No Hoseok oh- I want to be your friend. Really. Maybe even-" I slapped my hand over my mouth before any unapproved thoughts escaped and revealed themselves.

"What was that last part?" He grinned, making my eyes widen as my mind keyboard smashed while trying to think of something to say.

"N-Nothing! I-I mean- yeah, it's nothing. Just extra words is all..." I smiled sheepishly as I tried to recover, ignoring Hoseok's teasing that made my cheeks burn a whole new shade of red.

"I like you Atlas." I froze and looked at Hoseok who was watching the road through the windshield, this time not sparing a glance towards me.


"I like you. You're funny and cute." He laughed.

"Hoseok I-"

"I know. I need to know you in order to know you. I am willing to listen if you are willing to talk." He was being very mature about this. I didn't know what to say or what to feel.

"I-" My eyes dropped to my lap in shock and I didn't know what to say. There was a reason why Poppy was my only friend. She was the only person who knew about my past other than Jimin. Jimin only knew because he was there.

I looked back at Hoseok and watched his profile. There was still a small hint of a smile still but his eyes seemed serious, so I knew I was going to give in sooner or later.

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