Chapter 16- My Heart Stops Here

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Third person's POV ;

Every person who passed by, watched in sorrow and horror as the two boys lifted up an almost lifeless and unconscious form of a young girl off a pool of red blood. It is really rare to see young boys breaking down in tears.

"Wow. These boys must really love her.", the people thought. Few people rushed upto the boys and helped them lift the girl's broken frame delicately as the sound of the sirens came closer by each second.

The ambulance arrived and nurses rushed out of the vehicle, immediately taking the girl off the boys' hands and placing her softly on the trolley inside.

The boys quickly got into the vehicle and the doors closed, the ambulance started to move spreading the notice of its siren all over the area..... Many people watched the scene in silence and in soft whispers, the scene where a huge patch of blood covered the center of the road....

Inside the ambulance, the situation was hectic and there was no calming down. The doctor and the two nurses were frantically trying to cover up her wounds and stop the bleeding.

The smell of her blood was too much to handle. Jackson and Sehun wanted to start curing her then and there. Yes the boys could heal her, but not like this. Not here, not infront of all these people. What if anyone finds out their true forms? The two boys were lost in darkness now. The best thing they could do, was to get her to the hospital and heal her in a concealed space. They had a lot of things to do in order to heal her as she obviously has internal wounds by now. They needed the power, the power of one more combined from their bloodline, or few powerful bloodlines. A hospital room would be the best.

If they want to heal her quick, they had to get the others as fast as they could.

Jackson was the first to jump into senses in between his sorrowful sobs and prayers. He quickly dialled the number, the number of the only person that can match his bloodline, JY...

"JY, Junior it's me! Listen, A-Ara... A-Ara is being taken to the hospital right now. She is bleeding a lot. Wounded too. JY, I need you at the hospital soon!!", Jackson practically screamed his life out into the phone as soon as JY answered.

"Oh god hyung! Calm down, what happened? Which hospital?", JY asked his brother in utter horror and heartbreak. He wanted to get there, now!!

"The Seoul Main hospital. Quick JY, she met with an accident.", Jackson sobbed out into the receiver. He looked sideways to see Sehun looking lifelessly at the unconscious form of Ara. The sight broke him even more, he knew how much Ara meant to them. "Sehun is here too, we couldn't save her. Please come soon.", he weakly sobbed out.

"Yes hyung, I will be there before you. Please don't break down. Ara needs you, be as strong as you can hyung. I know you are shattered, but please stay strong for Ara. Tell Sehun to call the others, then we will be more powerful. That would be enough power to heal Ara as soon as we can.", JY said to his brother through the phone, he himself shattered. But he remained strong, strong for his brother and his bestfriend, his brother's soulmate....

"Yes..", Jackson replied weakly, his voice barely audible as he was looking at his love. His soulmate, his only one lying almost lifeless on the trolley as the doctors tried to give her life. He knew at a glance, the injuries are impossible to heal if they were on a normal human being. The doctors didn't know her strength, they were distressed as they knew they can't save a human who is at this state.

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