Editing Completed!

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Hey guys,

I'm back here again, after four whole years. I just finished editing and let me just say that there would still be a lot of things I might have missed while editing because truth be told, I had to drag myself through it.

Anyway, I'm sure most of you might have read the Chapter 56 (Extended) version which, I'm not sure if you can tell, but I didn't immerse myself into it until towards the end. But, I'm glad I found the strength to be able to even write it for every one of you guys that have been asking for it for the last four years.

Also, (Chapter 56 - Extended spoiler ahead), you should know, the whole thing with Heather being the person behind it was seriously last minute. As I wrote the scene with Jace and Charlotte in the study, it just popped into my head and I honestly almost continued with Charlotte being the one behind it because I just wanted to finish it once and for all. But, I'm glad I took the time to bring Heather back into the story and touch on some of the things that happened with her character in the beginning.

I hope you guys have checked out the stories I've written over the years. The Wild Virgin series (Now Fight For Love series), Love & Serenity and my new upcoming story - Broken - which will be out in July, 2022. I released a song last week titled Little Angels, which I wrote for Broken from the female character's point of view, I hope you give it a listen; available on all streaming platforms.

Anyway, I want to thank you guys for One Million views. In the 'Appreciation' I wrote in 2018, we were close to a 100K and I'm glad I get to celebrate this story with every single one of you once again. It's been fun reminiscing and realizing how much my writing has changed over the years. I am grateful for every moment of it and I want to put it out there that nothing you do is too small.

Whatever it is you want to do, don't care about it not being enough for the world or for another person. All you should care about is that it matters to you and you want to do it. So, to all the secret writers out there, publish it! You can only get better.

I hope you guys follow me on social media, especially Instagram because I make a lot of fun content. My book trailers are on there as well. Also, please do subscribe to my youtube channel as I post song covers and some original songs as well.

Instagram: JaneLanett
Youtube: JaneLanett
Tiktok: JaneLanett

Thank you guys so very much for the love and support you've given me over the years. You guys have no idea how much it means to me to read your comments or see that you voted, or maybe even just read it (I see you silent readers. I see you).

See you all back here on July, 2022 when Broken comes out.

I love you guys and appreciate each of you more than you could even realize.

Lots of Love,
Jane Lanett. 😘♥️

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