Chapter Twenty Five

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"I'm fine." I reassure Sam for the fifth time since Beth left.

I'm sitting in his cozy living room and Sam is about to start a movie on his new flat screen. I was adamant on no romances, luckily he doesn't have many anyway. Since I won't watch horror movies either, we're limited on choices.

"I just don't understand it. You were getting better, why the hell would you call him?" Sam asks obviously upset.

"I accidentally answered the phone." I admit.

"Sure." He says while rolling his eyes. I'm not sure why he would think I would purposely cause myself more agony.

"Titanic?" He asks as he's browsing through his large bookshelf filled with movies.

"Are you absolutely crazy?" I shout.

"Okay, I guess that's a no." He says as he mocks a surrender.

"I said no romance." I cross my arms and lean further back into his leather couch. I prefer to go back to bed, but he's determined to keep me awake as if facing life head-on is going to solve all my problems.

At least he doesn't make me get dressed properly. I'm comfortable in his t-shirt and have taken off my jeans because this shirt is practically a dress on me anyway.

"Well if you're this upset over the breakup, just be glad you didn't sleep with him." He says casually while he continues browsing.

My jaw practically falls to the floor and I have to quickly cover for myself. "Ye-yeah." I stumble through the word. I realize just how unconvincing I was when he turns to face me.

"Maggie?" His broad shoulders perk up and his blue eyes widen as he examines my face.

I avoid his gaze and look to the floor, so he rushes over and kneels beside me.

"Mags, did you give him your virginity?" He asks desperately in a high pitched voice and I cringe from the memory.

"I-" I'm at a loss for words. "I gave him everything." I say as tears flow again.

I'm embarrassed, but more so because I can't keep my emotions in check. I've always been so composed, it's usually easy for me to hide away my feelings deep down in a dark corner inside myself. But now I lash out and break down so easily, I think I might actually be broken.

He wraps me in his arms and lets out a curse. "Shit, I'm sorry I didn't know. I just- I didn't think you would."

I feel sick as I wait for an 'I told you so' but it never comes. Sam probably thinks so much less of me now, but it's not as if I gave it away on a whim. I loved him. Even with everything that happened, I just can't find it in me to regret it. That moment was beautiful and cannot be tainted, even with the damage caused in his wake.

"Someone someday is really going to love you the way you deserve to be loved." He whispers.

For some unknown reason, I don't like this comment. I inexplicably feel the urge to defend Jackson despite the cruel things he did to me, but I don't. I nod and start to pull away from his embrace. I'm so confused about my emotions tonight.

"Forrest Gump?" He asks with one brow raised to lighten the mood and I nod my head no.

"What? Forest Gump isn't romantic!" He exclaims.

"Yes, it is! He's in love with Jenny and she's a prick until the very end." I cross my arms in protest after stating my fact.

"Point taken." He concedes easily and walks back to his shelf of movies to mull over other options.

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