Chapter Twenty Seven

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Jack's fists are clenched, his eyes dart to the door and I know where he wants to go. But before he even moves, I slide in front of him and stretch my arms out to block his passage.

I feel like screaming, 'You shall not pass' in a deep voice but I know, now's not the time.

He places his hands on the door on either side of my head as if he's doing a push-up and lowers himself to me. "Move Maggie." His voice is deep and scratchy and he speaks through clenched teeth.

"No." I say confidently and cross my arms.

Then he brings his face an inch from mine and I can almost taste a mixture of metal and mint, my favorite flavor.

"Maggie." He pleads with me now, but I'm not sure if he's pleading with me to move or to kiss him. He takes his lip ring between his teeth and a shiver runs through my spine. His piercing diamond eyes move to my lips and my breath catches after a sharp inhale.

Heat radiates from his body reflecting my own and every fiber of my being longs to reach for him, to pull him into my arms, hold him and never let him go.  Although my body and heart may be weak, my mind is strong and for now, I'm still capable of controlling my actions.

My voice comes out as a whisper. "No."

I clear the lump from my throat and swallow it down.  My voice comes out weaker than I'd anticipated, unconvincing. With every breath, I'm inhaling more of his intoxicating scent and I'm afraid of what is going to happen next.

"Please, don't." I plead as my eyes wander to his lips mere inches from mine. I'm no longer referring to Sam. I'm begging him not to start this up just to break my heart again.

"Fuck!" He shouts.

Jackson pushes away from the wall and begins pacing back and forth angrily as he runs his hand through his soft chocolate-colored hair. The state of shock subsides and the strength I once lost has returned in full force.

"Stop it! You don't get to be angry. You had me, my heart, my body, my world, but you let me go and you destroyed everything in your ravenous wake.  You did this to yourself!" I take a deep breath and almost choke on my anger.  My next words come from deeper inside me, from the hole he's left in my chest that causes me to cry myself to sleep at night. "To us, you did this to us."

Jackson's face softens and his hands move to his pockets as he simply lowers his head in a quiet nod. I expect him to fight back, to add fire to the gasoline I've spread so neatly before him, but he doesn't.

"Maggie, let me explain everything. If you decide to never speak with me again, I'll understand." He calmly responds.

His calm demeanor is throwing me off. Any other argument we've had usually ends in a screaming match, yet here he is standing before me trying his damndest to hold his composure. 

I raise one brow questioning the truthfulness in his statement. He would just give up and accept my decision to never speak with him again? I find it unlikely, after all, it wouldn't be the first time he's lied to me.

"I'll be hurt, gutted even, and I'll never find another soul to replace you. But I'll understand why." He answers my thoughts.

I sit on the creeky bed, cross my arms and legs, then wait for his explanation.

"Bear with me please, I'm a great writer but I'm terrible with words aloud." He pleads.

I just nod and he takes a deep breath while running a shaky hand through his hair and tugging the ends.

"Alex had an idea after we found out I was nominated for the National Book Awards."

I cringe at the sound of that bastard's name but he continues.

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