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The following day, I woke up with a smile on my face. I remembered last night's events. Last night Xavier kissed my forehead for the second time and I couldn't take that out of my head. The first touch of his lips on my forehead was not even out of my mind and last night he gave me the second one.

Last night ...last night was full Last night I came to know three of them a little more. No one could say that the most powerful, feared, dominant, authoritative businessmen who rule the business world act completely childish when they are together.

They make fun of each other, tease each other, talk insanely, argue for nothing, behave childishly, and fight for food while eating. I was watching them with amusement when they were doing all of that. I think apart from their parents I was the only one who came to know about this funny side of them. And that side was the opposite of what the world sees. And I absolutely like this funny, full-of-life side of them.

I dressed up for work and then went into the kitchen to prepare breakfast. I woke up a little early so that I could prepare breakfast before Xavier leaves. I remember how yesterday he was whining to eat proper food so I made scrambled eggs, pancakes, toast, and black coffee without whiskey for Xavier.

"I think I should go and call him for breakfast," I mumbled.

"What are you doing?" I was startled by the voice. I looked up to find him staring at me. He looked really handsome in the grey suit he wore. His hair was combed back. He looked fresh, no sign of weakness could be seen on his face. The way I want to see him. Yep! That's right, I don't want to see him weak and fragile. I always want him to be like this, the way he is standing in front of me right now, fresh and full of energy.

"I asked you something." Oh no! Blush instantly crept on my face when I realized that I was gawking at him. Why Ari, why?

"Um, Yeah, I..I...well, I cooked breakfast for you." I stuttered, looking down, and started plating the breakfast. I hope he didn't see my flushed face.

"You shouldn't have cooked for me. I would have eaten out."

My hands instantly stopped plating the food. His words dropped my mood. I was excited to cook for him but he didn't want to eat food cooked by me. Did he not like the food? I woke up early to cook for him. Now, he was saying he wanted to eat out.

"I'm sorry... I didn't know that you wanted to eat out. It's just that...Mrs. Molly told me you prefer eating homemade food that's why I cooked for you." I replied softly, looking down.

"No. I didn't mean that. It's just that you cooked for me yesterday. And besides, you have to go to work too, you'll get... tired."

He was concerned about me? It means he just wanted me to have rest? And here I thought he didn't want to eat the food cooked by me.

"No, I never get tired of cooking, I like to cook. And I have had enough rest for the last two days. Umm, Would you eat?" I asked nervously, fidgeting my fingers.

"Yeah, of course."

His reply brought warmness to my body and a smile on my face. But I hid my smile. Obviously, I didn't want to make a fool of myself in front of him.

He sat at the dining table and I served him breakfast and his coffee before sitting opposite him. I started eating my breakfast and had my head lowered but I kept watching him through my eyelashes, waiting for his reaction about the coffee.

When he held the coffee cup, I bit the corner of my lower lip. He'll definitely notice the change this time.

He took a sip of coffee and looked at me but I acted as if I didn't see him, I just focused on my breakfast. My heart started beating fast. He'll definitely complain about it now.

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