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Mature content
(Not for minors)

Those who're uncomfortable reading the mature part can skip the part starting with **** and ending with ****

Enjoy reading❤


"Ari..Can I see the scars?" He asked with pleading eyes.

He must have thought I would say no. But now is the time for me to take this step a d he has all the right to see those because he is the only person I have ever opened up to.


With that, I stood up and went into the room. I stepped out of the closet wearing a bathrobe and there he was, standing in the room with his back towards me. Closing my eyes, I inhaled and exhaled a few times to muster up the courage. I have to do this. This is now or never.

"Xavier," I said a little above whisper. I knew he heard it because he immediately turned towards me and our eyes met.

I was hesitant but his eyes, his look gave me the courage to take a step. But still, doubt was there inside me. I waved off my doubt and opened the knot of my bathrobe, looking straight into his eyes, his eyes were only on my face as if he was reading my face for any fear, but I threw all my fears out of the window because I knew he was here for me to give me strength, to protect me, to console me, to take away my pain.

Closing my eyes, I slid the robe off my body, and there, I stood wearing only my undergarments. My heart was beating fast, I was embarrassed about my body. I didn't care if he said that I looked ugly, I just cared that he was the only one who's going to see me like this.

He didn't say anything. I just heard his footsteps which were approaching me. My heart was thumping loudly, I flinched a little and immediately opened my eyes when I felt his fingers on the marks, on my stomach. He was examining the marks by touching them, his touch sent warmth in my body. I could feel the muscles of my stomach moving with every brush of his fingers.

He still didn't say anything and went around me to see marks on my back and felt the marks there. He came in front again and sliding down on his knees, he kissed the scars on my stomach. The weight which was drowning me in my sad past automatically lifted and tears started pouring out of my eyes. A sob left my throat, he immediately stood up and embraced me in a tight hug.

"Don't cry Ari, these scars show your strength, your courage that you never gave up on your precious life while you were experiencing the most horrible moments of your life. Don't waste your tears on those who don't deserve these. You're not alone anymore, I am here with you. I'll take away all your pain, your agony. I just need your permission to do so. Will you allow me to give you the happiness you deserve? Will you allow me to get rid of your awful memories?" He asked cupping my face with his palm, he was looking directly into my eyes with love.

No one ever understood me and no one has ever consoled me like the way he's doing. And there's no doubt that only he can do this miracle, only he can free me from those memories.

"Yes" I whispered and next thing I know, his lips were on mine, kissing me hungrily, it was a promising kiss as if promising me that he'll act as a shield against every pain that will come near me.


Without breaking the kiss, he scooped me in his arms and deposited me on the bed. Hovering over me, he kissed me like never before. He ran his hands on the side of my body, sliding them under my body he unclasped the hooks of my bra. Breaking the kiss, he looked into my eyes. My breathing was ragged and my mind was hazy.

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