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Ariana Knight

He was right...the ring fitted him so perfectly like it was meant to be passed on to him. Closing my eyes, I thanked my dad for this day. Thanked him for sending Xavier in my life.

Xavier enveloped me in a hug like his life was dependent on me.

He slightly pulled away and cupped my face between his palms. "My piglet.." He smiled and dipped his head to capture my lips. The kiss was slow and sensual. I responded to the kiss circling my arms around his neck. He pulled me closer to him and deepened the kiss.

"This is the cutest proposal I have ever seen." Mom's voice made me realize that we had the audience watching us. I abruptly pushed him and stood up. I became a mess of embarrassment, heat rose up my face. Biting my lip, I lowered my head to hide my beet-red face from them.

Xavier chuckled and stood up."You don't have to be embarrassed in front of them. They are family and will see more of it." Saying that he hid my face in his chest to make it easy for me to hide my blush.

"Sean, our hard work paid off," Daniel said making all of our eyes focus on him.

"What hard work?" Xavier asked.

"If we hadn't acted two wouldn't have been proposing to each other like this." He winked.

"You two.. and cupid? What did you two do else than being disturbing elements?" Xavier grumbled.

"If we hadn't planned that trip, this wouldn't have happened. You should be thankful to us" Sean exclaimed.

"In your dreams," Xavier muttered rolling his eyes. I laughed at their banter.

While laughing, my eyes fell on the LED screen which suddenly displayed the photo of me and Xavier hugging each other in the.. farmhouse? That was the picture taken when I ran to him while Daniel was making fun of me with piglets on the farm. Many other pictures also flashed on-screen which were clicked randomly.

"Who clicked these pictures? And where did you get these from?" I asked Xavier in surprise.

"Credit goes to your brothers. I collected these from them." Xavier said. I looked at them to see they both were smiling at me.

"Consider these pictures as a small gift form our side, Princess." Daniel grinned. I ran and hugged both of them.

"Thank you for capturing the best moments of my life. You two are the best brothers in the world."

"That we are." They hugged me back. Xavier, mom, dad came and hugged us too. Caring & loving..this family.

Mom and I went into the kitchen to help Mrs. Molly with dinner. Then we all had our dinner together. Xavier was acting a little grumpy because the romantic dinner he planned got converted into a family dinner.

Well, I didn't mind that because we have all our life for romantic dinners. Eating together with family is something special as nowadays gathering together is hard so whenever we get this chance we should cherish it.

After having dinner they all left at 10 pm, actually... Xavier forced them to leave.

After bidding goodbye to all of them I shut the door and suddenly squealed when I was lifted up from the floor.

"Xavier what are you doing? Put me down this instant." I rebuked.

"No way in hell I'm gonna do that. After all those torturing hours I finally have you all by myself." He made his way up to our room.

Reaching the room he put on the floor again and backed me against the wall.

"Time to get my answers." He said, putting his hands on either side of my face on the wall.

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