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Xavier led me out of the hall where his car was parked and took keys of his white Lamborghini from the valet. How did the valet know that he was coming? Xavier opened the car door for me. I was about to sit when he positioned his hand on my head making me confused. I looked up at him, he didn't say anything but bobbed his head, gesturing me to sit. When I sat then only I realized why he did that. He did that to secure my head from bumping into the car's head.

He pulled the car out of the parking and drove home. The car ride was awkwardly silent, I sat on my seat looking out of the window and he kept his focus on driving. I wanted to ask him about Chris. Why he reacted that way in front of him? Why he snapped at him? I agree that I was scared by his penetrating and discomforting gaze but the way Xavier reacted made me feel like there was something else going on between them. I wanted to ask but I stayed quiet.

When we reached home, the first thing I did was, I sat on the couch in the living room and removed my heels, and sighed in relief. I felt so relieved. I closed my eyes and rested my head on top of the backrest of the couch.

"That much tired?" I jolted up straight when I heard Xavier's voice from near me. He was standing near me, he had already removed his suit jacket. I immediately stood up from the couch feeling embarrassed by what I was doing.

"Why did you stand up? Sit down, your feet must be hurting." He said with concern.

"Uh, umm, I...n...need water." Saying that I ran into the kitchen. I poured water in a glass from the jar and started drinking it but stopped when I felt a presence behind me. When I turned around, I found Xavier standing close to me with his hands stuffed in his pant pockets, looking at me. Does he need something?

"You need something?" I looked at the glass in my hand and then looked up. "W..Water?" I asked.

He didn't speak a word. Without leaving my gaze, he reached for my glass, took it from my hand, and brought it to his lips. He started drinking water from my glass, making my heartbeat speed up. Why did he do that?

While trying to avert my eyes, my eyes landed on the silver chain tied on his wrist. Bracelet. He wore that! He wore the gift given by me. My heart fluttered. I couldn't believe Xavier Knight wore the bracelet given by me.

I looked at him to make sure that I wasn't dreaming. He's real. He really wore that. Before my emotions could take over me, he placed the glass down on the countertop and took a step towards me. And as a reflex action, I took a step back but he didn't stop. He took one more step towards me and I took one more back. I stepped back until my back hit the wall. He stopped mere inches away from me and placed his hands on both sides of my head on the wall, making me press myself more into the wall.

"Did I tell you how stunning you look tonight?" He said, looking deep into my eyes. His breath fanned my cheeks, sending pleasure down my spine. I gulped. Why was he saying that now? He must be lying otherwise he would have complimented me in the party itself when he was complimenting other women.

" are..lying." I stuttered. I was bothered by his close proximity.

"Why would I lie about such a thing?" He frowned. I didn't say anything but averted my eyes. I jerked when he cupped my chin between his thumb and index finger and coaxed me to look into his eyes.

"I won't lie about that to you. You look magnificent and breathtaking in this dress tonight. You totally stood out from others. And your hair." He touched my hair. "Your silky smooth hair added more shine to your beauty."

"Why don't you ever leave your hair open?" He asked softly.

"Because people say that my hair looks hideous," I said, lowering my head. Why did I even tell him that? This will not matter to him. He again cupped my chin to make me look at him.

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