Chapter 1

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If anyone ask Shen Qingqiu, he will say that all of this had started because Shang QingHua couldn't keep his damn mouth shut. The latter would justify that him blabbering that day was the great catalyst why everyone was happy now. So, Shen Qingqiu had no right to accuse him of anything! In fact, he should be thanking him!

Even if it's unlikely that Shang QingHua could ever have the guts to say that to his face.

Cang Qiong Mountain emphasized maintaining kinship between peers to the utmost. It was common for several head disciples to head out together on tasks at regular intervals. This time though, they might as well say that they are pitting two head disciples who hated each other to the bone in finally killing the other. And oh, Shang QingHua was made to tag along to carry the corpse of one of them back to the sect.

At least that was the case for Shen Qingqiu and Liu Qingge who refused to talk to each other after exchanging scathing remarks half an hour ago. And if ever their eyes met, even without needing to look, Shang QingHua knows that they are glaring daggers at each other.

The three of them are actually sent down to deal with a monster that had taken residence on an abandoned well which had killed many innocent people and some cultivators as well. The respective duty of each had been clear before they departed. Shang QingHua had other business in a town nearby and he happen to be the unlucky driver for the two. Shen Qingqiu was in charge of the battle plan while Liu Qingge was the vanguard.

"It's said that at night, if you stick look at your reflection on the water in that well, you'll see your reflection inside looking up, smiling faintly and beckoning. Out of nowhere, it will drag people inside to drown. Sometimes there have been cases that people even see their dead relatives..." Shang QingHua trailed off from explaining when he looked up at the two who aren't even listening to his explanation.

Shen Qingqiu was pretending to be busy reading his book. Qing Jing's head disciple honestly didn't need Shang QingHua to explain again what he already know. Liu Qingge on the other hand had jumped off the carriage the moment they stopped at the specified location.

Shang QingHua looked at his martial sibling with hopelessness. Especially towards Liu Qingge who trotted towards the said well and tested if his reflection would smile and beckon at him like what the report had stated. "Shen-shixiong and Liu-shidi can you... can you let me finish first..."

"Nothing here." Liu Qingge frowned, totally ignoring Shang QingHua.

"Then, how about, we have Shen-shixiong come over and try?" Shang QingHua suggested with apparent hesitation.

Shen Qingqiu put away his book, swapping it for a folding fan. He strolled over to the side of the well. "I'll trouble you to allow me."

Liu Qingge snorted at his sarcasm making the other gave him a side glance out of irritation as Shen Qingqiu carelessly took a look in the well, but also seemed to get no results.

Shang Qinghua flicked the scroll, pages rustling, "It's really strange, the report clearly said..."

"It's your turn." Shen Qingqiu commanded, giving no room for Shan QingHua to escape.

Both Shen Qingqiu and Liu Qingge watched with rapt attention while Shang QingHua nervously walks towards the well and see his own reflection. They didn't miss the moment Shang QingHua's nervousness turned to horrified and how he became pale.

Liu Qingge already made the first move to push Shang QingHua out of the way as his Chen Luan rush towards the water. 

During a short moment of silence, neither Shen Qingqiu nor Liu Qingge let their guard down. This monster had already devoured a number of cultivators after all, it couldn't be simple as to die from a single strike. Shang QingHua who knew that he would just be a hindrance had long fled behind some tree in a safe distance.

The tranquil surface of the well began to churn and bubble followed by a burst of ghostly wailing, then a huge wad of wispy spirit spurted out of the well, rushing upwards to the sky.

Some sort of female ghoul began attacking them along with other corpses of its victims. It posed no problem for the two to brute force their way to the main body but it's annoying that no matter how much they hack down the moving corpse they just keep coming at them.

In the chaos of battle, Liu Qingge and Shen Qingqiu accidentally pressed their backs together when they were surrounded. The two simultaneously showed a look of revulsion. Shang QingHua slap a hand on his face when he saw it. Why couldn't they just put aside their hatred just for a moment!

It was at that moment when Shang QingHua saw a black and white shadow creeping behind Liu Qingge. "Liu-shidi! Behind you!" he shouted in warning.

Before Liu Qingge understood what he said, Shen Qingqiu had already controlled Xiu Ya to stab at the shadow that immediately disperse upon contact with the sword. Unfortunately, because things were happening too fast Shen Qingqiu made a miscalculation and Xiu Ya had grazed Liu Qingge's shoulder.

Liu Qingge was wide eyed in shock for a few seconds before his face contorted in anger. "You tried to kill me!"

"Liu-shidi! Shen-shixiong just saved you" Shang QingHua immediately supplied before the misunderstanding grow. There are still walking corpses. They should just argue later when it's safe and those things had no chance of reaching Shang QingHua!

Shen Qingqiu flung out his hand towards Shang QingHua, sending a wave of qi towards the An Ding Peak disciple who immediately crouch down with his hands covering his head to avoid the being hit.

"Shut up!" Shen Qingqiu said menacingly before dealing with the walking corpse around him.

"I just told him the truth." Shang QingHua muttered to himself, wanting to cry. He felt that he was terribly wronged when he had just protected Shen Qingqiu from being accused of attempted murder. Those words, of course, were heard by Liu Qingge who was dumfounded and comfused.

He remained frozen on the spot he was standing in until Shen Qingqiu spoke another set of snarky remarks that made him snap out of his daze and finish off the creature.

Liu Qingge didn't know what to do with Shen Qingqiu—and it frustrated him to no end. No, not because he was caught off guard and Shen Qingqiu had to save him. But what makes him frustrated is he didn't know why he did it.  What was someone supposed to do when someone they thought was awful and kept declaring that he would murder them one day ends up actually saving their life?

Of course, he can't easily accept it.

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