Chapter 2

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Liu Qingge still couldn't believe that Shen Qingqiu - out of all the people - had saved him even though he had already confirmed it to Shang QingHua over and over again, despite knowing that Shang QingHua really had no reason to lie.

It was just hard to swallow and he hated to owe someone so deplorable. Especially after another snarky comment from Shen Qingqiu. "I should have just killed you along with that monster." The Qing Jing peak disciple said while looking at him condescendingly.

Still, it didn't change the fact that he owe him – even if he's not willing to admit – and it's only proper that he pay him back – begrudgingly. That still didn't mean he actively tried to repay him and he only got his chance to do so after a year.

The message of a rouge cultivator who have fallen into the demonic path striving to make name for himself had hit the cultivation world hard.

At first, it had been just a rumor, cultivators along with demonic monsters killing the innocent, killing both cultivator and non-cultivator. Nobody had known what to do, since nobody had known where it had come from, either. But it had evolved into something bigger, not only one, but a group of them. Some small sects had been so sure of themselves, that they could handle some easily. They didn't.

It had then become something more, something larger, and something worse. The rumor had become fear; it had spread panic like the wind. The great sects could no longer ignore it. Not when several disciples had been kidnapped.

And the most unbelievable part of it was the latest report of kidnapped disciples had been from Qing Jing Peak. The group of new students who had been sent down for the first time for a simple mission and it was Shen Qingqiu who was supposed to be the one looking after them as the head disciple.

Unlike Yue Qingyuan who looked like he was going to keel over when he heard the news, Liu Qingge snorted. For that despicable person who's good at sneak attacks and underhanded tactics to be held captive so easily sounds like a sham. But it was a great opportunity for him to 'repay' Shen Qingqiu which was the only reason why he volunteered himself to look for them.

Several disciples had immediately been sent out with Yue Qingyuan leading the search party, because he can't sit still with his favorite Shidi being held captive, scouring the surrounding areas for possible hideout of those rouge cultivators. Liu Qingge, on the other hand, had choose to move separately. He was flying above the forest where the scouts sighted an emergency flare from Cang Qiong despite the others protest that they might have been long gone from that area and should focus in finding their hideouts.

Liu Qingge had begged to differ.

First of all, the forest, where the emergency signal had been sighted was quite far from the location where those group of disciple should be. It was as if someone was luring people there. Plus, with the high, thick trees covering the area, it was hard to see movements from outside, even more so from the inside with the fog covering it. A natural place where prey could hide from a predator and subsequently also a best place where predators can sneak on their preys. A perfect place for schemes where that guy would shine.

And it turned out that he guessed correctly.

With trained eyes, Liu Qingge immediately spotted unusual movements within the forest. It didn't take him long to spot Shen Qingqiu – the other disciples nowhere in sight - sneaking on his enemies before striking them down without the others knowing like an assassin. He had to admit it was a good tactic especially when he's outnumbered.

Shen Qingqiu had a clear control of the situation and not as hopeless as Yue Qingyuan had imagined. Far from that, this vicious guy seemed to be toying with his enemies. Truly despicable! But what irritates Liu Qingge the most is that he somehow understand what goes on Shen Qingqiu's mind for choosing this place.

Without any further delay. Liu Qingge descended with an aim to kill Shen Qingqiu's next target despite knowing that he would be pissing the Qing Jing disciple. Shen Qingqiu was just a second too late before Liu Qingge strike down the unaware rouge cultivator.

"What did you come here for?" Shen Qingqiu scrunched his brows in annoyance.

"You were dragging your legs," Liu Qingge spat off with smugness. "So I came to save you. Now you owe me."

"Owe you?" Shen Qingqiu sneered "I'm almost done with these scums and you come in and steal the glory."

"Who was it that sent out the emergency firework?" Liu Qingge smirked, Shen Qingqiu is really displeasing he thought. "Just stay back. I'll finish what you dragged on, just stay there..."

Shen Qingqiu visibly bristles and turned red in anger from Liu Qingge's dismissive words. If glares could really kill a person, Liu Qingge would already be six feet under the ground.

Unlike the time when they competed against each other in during the annual spar where he thought of him as disappointing, Liu Qingge, right now found it entertaining to taunt Shen Qingqiu that he owed him, he's definitely reeling in the other's reaction.

With the two of them there, Shen Qingqiu no longer bothered with stealth attacks. Liu Qingge had practically announced their location with his dramatic entrance, really a brute who doesn't think of consequences, and proceed to engage their enemies along with their demonic pets out in the open.

Once their pursuers are dead, Shen Qingqiu returned his Xiu Ya back in its sheath and walked away without saying a word. Liu Qingge trailed after Shen Qingqiu without a word, he was curious where the others are supposedly but Shen Qingqiu had probably abandoned them for being a burden, seeing as the guy was walking towards the exit of the forest. But Liu Qingge was proven wrong when Shen Qingqiu sliced through thick over grown shrubs that hide a cave.

There was a frightened whimpers at first but as soon as the two of them entered the cave, where Liu Qingge saw the young students are huddled together in a corner, they all sighed in relief from seeing them. All tension seemed to have disappeared when Shen Qingqiu scolded them for being unsightly, they felt at ease that their cold but caring shixiong still treated them the same.

Shen Qingqiu immediately got them moving to reunite with the others from Cang Qiong Sect. It was a good thing that Mu Qingfang also came along as there were disciples who was poisoned when they were ambushed. Even if Shen Qingqiu knew how to cure the poison, he didn't have the necessary supplies to make an antidote.

He only relaxed when he was able to relay all the information about their enemies and finally wiping them out. And also when was sure that none his shidis and shimie won't be dying from being poisoned. Shen Qingqiu still felt angry at Liu Qingge unnecessary help with an added bonus of mockery.

He definitely won't admit the relief that he felt when that brute came to help because Shen Qingqiu was really running out of time.

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