Chapter 7

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The Peak lords are gathered on the platform where they oversee the work of children wanting to enter the Sect.

While most of the Peak lords are already gathered there, the presence of Qing Jing Peak Lord was nowhere to be seen. But none appeared to be concerned in the absence of their second eldest brother.

Ever since Shen Qingqiu took an orphaned girl back a few years back Shen Qingqiu had no desire to accept any new disciples.

Which was why it was a surprise when he appeared with the said little girl who was now grown up as an adorable darling.

"Liu-shishu." Ning YingYing beamed when he saw the familiar figure in white. Her voice made everyone look at them with surprise.

"Manners Ying-er." Shen Qingqiu reminded.

"Apologies Shizun." Ning YingYing smiles at him sheepishly before cupping her hand and bow to the other Peak lords "Ying-er greets Sect leader and her martial uncles and aunt."

Everyone just smiled at her sweetness, no one really took offence on her actions. She was, after all, the dubbed love child of Liu Qinnge and Shen Qingqiu. Especially since the two made a commotion to have her enter Qing Jing Peak.

Shen Qingqiu offered his greetings to the other before taking his place next to Yue Qingyuan.

"I'm surprised you came." Liu Qingge walked over to him and stood by his side, which was supposedly Wei Qingwei's spot in order of their peaks.

"Ning YingYing wants a new shidi or shimei"

That makes Liu Qing look up at him with a slight frown on his face. "Aren't you spoiling her too much?"

Shen Qingqiu ignored him, not even bothering to say anything in return and simply snapped his fan open and beckons his youngest disciple to stand in front of him to give her a better view. "Ying-er, tell this master if you see anyone that you like."

They returned to watching over the hopeful children. No one minding Shen Qingqiu's coddling his student. Instead it was a refreshing sight that their aloof and cold brother would dote on someone so openly. The presence of a child had certainly soften Shen Qingqiu over the past years.

"I think that one has potential." Liu Qingge looked at the scrawny boy with a dark curly hair, diligently doing the entrance exam task for Cang QIong Peak.

'You're just as bad Liu Qingge!' The other Peak lords thought simultaneously when the Bai Zan Peak Lord just blatantly pointed out one of the children for suggestion. All the present peak lords directed their attention to a young boy who was digging dirt with determination.

Shen Qingqiu hid the lower half of his face using his fan, his expression remained unchanged as he studied the boy. "Then take him to your Bai Zan Peak."

"If he has the skills then he should climb Bai Zan Peak on his own."

"Is he going to be my new Shidi, Liu-shishu?" Ning YingYing chirped sweetly.

Shen Qingqiu twitched. This ungrateful brat didn't even bother to ask her own Shizun first! He glared at Liu Qingge, wanting to hit him with his fan, why the hell did he pointed out a boy knowing full well that Shen Qingqiu hated men.

He trailed his eyes down back to Ning YingYing. She looked up at him with wide hopeful eyes and Shen Qingqiu had immediate lost any will to deny her anything. He could only exhale in defeat. "Fine."

Damnit, Qingge! He cursed. Shen Qingqiu should have known better that despite repeatedly teaching Ning YingYing not to listen to him, she still does!

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