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(hey, so I went back, and I realized I hadn't met the turtles. So, I will now)

"Hey Murokomi?"

"Yes, Anna-San?"

"I'm going out on a walk."

"Be back soon!"

"Yes sir!" I discard my apron and run out the door. A nice day in NYC. This walk might be a little longer than I thought. I browse through a couple shops, but don't find anything I like. I want to get something for Murokomi, but I don't really see anything he might like. I stop in an alley. This might be harder than I thought.

"Hey, what are you doing?" I hear. I look around, but all I see are shadows.

"Why might you want to know? I can't even see you."

"Oh, you don't want to see me. I'm.... Kinda ugly.

"Oh, no ones ugly." I hear a slight laugh.

"You wouldn't say that if you saw me."

"Oh, I'm not so sure." The figure steps where I can see them, and I gasp out loud. A.......turtle?

"What the heck are you?!"

"A mutant. A freak."

"Wait, that's not what I meant......"

"No, I understand. Most people say that." I step closer to him.

"I actually find you... Kinda funny."


"Yeah." He smiles.

"Here." He hands me a slip of paper, and I start to open it, but his three fingered hands stop me." Wait, don't open it until you get home."

"Um...Okay." A slight blush spreads over my cheeks. "Well, bye!" I back out of the alley and run back to the shop.

"Hello, Anna-San! How was your trip?"

"Yeah, fine!" I run upstairs and sit on a chair. I open the note, and squeal. Not on purpose, though.

He gave me his phone number.



Yep. I did that. Deal with it. I'm just fabulous.





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