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This ship has all my uwu's (while Alastor/Husk has my owo's aHEM)

You caught me in the middle of the week so this took almost a week oop. (my b)

Thank you for the request, Sxirxn


If Angel heard one more Christmas song, he was sure he was going to lose his mind. Charlie had insisted that the Hotel celebrate the holiday after having heard of it during a previous conversation. The girl had asked about a hundred questions a minute. Angel just wanted to get away from the trainwreck and left her with Husk.

This lead to today. Tinsel decorated every pillar and hung from the ceilings. Charlie had made sure that the center Christmas tree took up most of the lobby, while four smaller ones decorated the corners. Each tree was wrapped in shiny golden ribbon. Glass balls hung from the branches, a color so red it could rival blood. Every door was decorated as well. From paper snowflakes to little cutouts of "Santa Claus" hanging from the knobs and door frames. Angel scrunched up his nose in distaste.

The scent of baking cookies filled the air. Husk's bar had been littered with decorative snowmen that left glitter in their wake. Tiny strips of ribbon wrapped around the necks of the bottles behind said bar. Vaggie had been tucking gifts under the center tree. Wrapping paper adorned each gift, every box being a different color than the last.

"Angel!" Charlie called out to him from her position on the ladder, pausing in the middle of tying a ribbon around the bottom of the tree star. "You're up!"

"Been up for a while, toots." Angel muttered. Charlie ignored the comment as she slid down the ladder, landing on her toes with a thud.

"Well now that you're up, why don't you go help in the kitchen? There's a lot that needs to be done and we could use those extra pairs of hands!" She joked, pushing on Angel's shoulders, nudging him in the direction of the kitchen. "It ought ta put you in the Christmas mood!"

Charlie left with a small pat on his head, leaving Angel by himself outside the kitchen. He groaned, pushing the doors open. He'd rather bake than deal with the business of Vaggie's spear.

Nifty was running. Laying cookies out all over the counter, rewashing mixing utensils and pans, setting timers, and checking the oven repeatedly. She paused for a moment, giving the spider demon a look.

"You need help?" He asked. Nifty seemed to perk up, her pink curls bouncing as she hopped excitedly.

"Frost these!" She chirped, handing him a large tube filled with green frosting. She slid a tray of cookies over the counter in his direction. "Make sure they're even! And use the red sprinkles! The green sprinkles are for the red frosting and the red frosting only!" She went to mixing more of the dough. Angel blinked at the frosting in hand before shrugging. He held the cookies with his bottom set as he frosted with the top set. The kitchen fell into a comfortable silence.

"I don't get it. What is it with you all and Christmas anyways? Sounds like a whole lotta trouble for a whole lotta nothin'." Angel spoke up after a moment.

Nifty stopped, turning her head to face him, her single eye going wide. "You don't like Christmas...?"

"Not really, no."

"Why not?" She almost whined, "Everyone likes Christmas!"

"Just not in the mood." Angel huffed, wanting to argue, and continued to frost the cookies. Nifty appeared beside him, staring at him in bewilderment.

"Then we have to put you in it!" She exclaimed. Angel went to stop her as she tugged on him and knocked the cookie from his hand. Angel quickly set the frosting down as to not drop it and leave a mess. Nifty pulled him towards the kitchen door, leaving the cookies in the oven and unattended. They didn't survive.


It had grown to be a long, long day. Nifty dragged Angel everywhere. Caroling, gift shopping, decorating, more baking, gift wrapping. You name it, they'd probably done it.

Nifty made sure to bundle him up, too. Forcing him to wear an ugly red Christmas sweater with a stupid reindeer adorning the front of it. They made hot chocolate and passed it out to those around them. Everyone seemed fo enjoy the delicious beverage, and Lucifer forbid they tell anyone Angel Dust was the one who made it. He was perfectly content with letting Nifty take the credit and praise much to her dismay. They seemed to enjoy the cookies too. What was left of them, at least.

Nifty's favorite part -and Angel's too, not like he would admit it- was the gift giving. Angel felt just the slightest bit of excitement when everyone opened their gifts, especially the ones he got them.

Angel Dust leaned against the door way as he watched the girls, and Husk, chat and giggle over the gifts and sweaters. (Husker didn't do much giggling, but he did enjoy the conversation.)

"You're not going to join them?" Alastor's voice startled the spider. He jumped lightly, turning to glare at the deer as he cupped the top of his glass to prevent a spill.

"Jesus christ, Al. Anyone ever told ya you need a bell?" Angel grunted. Despite being shorter than himself, Alastor still managed to loom over him.

"I don't think so, no." Alastor's grin seemed to widen, full aware of the tease. Angel only gave an exaggerated roll of his two larger eyes. He picked at a stray string of his sweater with his bottom pair of hands, attempting to ignore the Radio Demon's proximity to him. He searched for anything to distract him from Alastor's stare.

Angel didn't really know what his relationship with Al was, per say. It wasn't affectionate or touchy in any sense, but the deer had expressed his interest in the spider quite a few times. It was strange, but Angel wasn't going to complain.

Angel gave pause, a grin crossing his features once he glanced up, Christmas lights catching on his golden fang.

"Hey Al~?" Angel purred, and Alastor scrunched his nose in distaste.

"If you say a single perverted thing to me I'll-"

"Look up." Angel pointed to the door frame with his free hand. Red eyes shifted upward, and if Angel didn't know any better, he'd have sworn he saw Alastor flush pink. "Mistletoe, baby. You know what that means."

Angel Dust felt a steady rush of confidence pass through him. He was certain Al was going to have his head if he tried anything, but it wasn't often that an opportunity like this arose.

Angel hadn't allowed Alastor to really say anything before he pressed a gentle kiss to the deer's lips. He felt the man tense, but he didn't let it stop him. Angel leaned into him for a moment before quickly retreating.

Angel made sure to rejoin the group before the Radio Demon could process what had just happened. That was a problem for later, Angel decided.


Did I do it right?

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