To Make A Demon Jealous

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I have no explanation for this. This isn't even how I wanted to write this but I found how it turned out to be funny.

"So... you're fuckin' with me to piss Al off?" Husk's annoyed glare didn't seem to phase Angel. The spider only grinned, his single golden tooth catching the light.

"That's the plan, babe!" He leaned forward on the bar, "So why don't ya get me a drink? Yeah?" Angel purred. Husk cringed in distaste, turning his back to the white-furred dumbass.

"You've got a death wish," Husk stated, pulling a near-empty bottle of wine from the shelf. "That, or you're just plain stupid." Husk would have gone for the latter.

Angel just shrugged, tossing his bangs away from his face and focusing his two-toned gaze on the feline. "Maybe I am. Doesn't change anything."

"Why you doin' this anyway?" He finished filling the tall glass, holding it up to the light. Angel reached for it and Husk pulled it back over the bar, staring at him with furrowed brows. Husk wasn't gonna hand it to him without an explanation. Angel knew this and he groaned, laying his head on the counter. He exhaled with a sigh.

"Al doesn't ever let me fuckin' touch 'im!" The pornstar whined, tossing his top set of hands up to the side. "He gets all tense and jus' runs away from me!"

Husk only stared at his. He raised one of his bushy brows in question. He set the glass down on the bar, watching as Angel took hold of it immediately, and moved to rub at his temples.

"Angel Dust, look. Alastor doesn't do affection. I thought you knew that." Husk explained. "This whole jealousy plot you got stirred up ain't gonna do anything but piss him off."

"But that's the point!" Angel said, "And I need your help!"

"No. Nuh-uh. Nada." Husk shook his head, waving his arms across his chest. "I'm not windin' up as a puddle of my own innards because you wanna get laid! No thanks."

The feline went to pouring himself a glass. He paused, staring at the bottle for a moment before shrugging and bringing it to his mouth instead.

"But Husk-"

"No, Angel."

"You can't stop me!"

"Angel Dust," he warned, "No."

"I'm doing it." The spider gave him a smirk as he slid out of the bar stool and made his way out of the lobby and up the stairs. Husk only watched him leave before grunting and bringing the bottle back for his lips.

"I don't get paid enough for this shit."



"You heard me." Angel purred, wrapping an arm around the feline, leaning into him.

"Doesn't mean I'm processin' it." Husk turned away and grunted. He scrunched his nose in distaste.

"You want me to say it again, hot stuff?" Angel hooked one of his fingers in the loop of Husk's tie, tugging it loose. Husk bristled. He shoved the spider off of him and buried his face in his hands. Heat pricked his skin. Husk could feel the burn of Alastor's glare. Oh yeah.

He was gonna die.

"Angel!" Husk hissed, keeping his voice low. "What did I tell you?"

"Nothin' yet, babe." Angel knew exactly what he was doing. He knew Alastor was watching them. He knew that the deer was almost brimming. And he was living for it. Husk, however, not so much.

By this point, Angel had climbed behind the bar, bending over it like he had something to prove. Husk watched in embarrassment as Angel played with the fur on his chest, picking at it's volume. Husk also took note of how Angel's skirt was even shorter today. Every bit of this was done on purpose. Every. Single. Part. Husk groaned again.

Angel cocked his brow, turning to leaned on his left hand, the bottom set landed on his hips.


"Problem? Problem? Angel! You're going to get me murdered!" Husk made a gesture with both hands, orange eyes wide and panicked. "You're dumber than I thought!"

"What can I say? I'm a whore." Angel huffed a laugh. Husk sighed, tugging at his fur with his claws.

Across the room, Alastor was growing more and more irritated by the second. The way Angel played with the feline's fur made his blood boil. His chest tightened. Crimson eyes narrowed in a glare. From afar, Alastor could hardly tell what they were saying. The hotel lobby chatter didn't help either. His ears twitched atop his head.

It took every ounce of willpower he had to not march across the room and throw the cat through the front door. He watched the way Husk would bristle and shudder at Angel's touch. He took notice of how Husk's tie had come undone, one side of it hanging loosely from his shoulders.

Alastor's claws dug into his palms behind his back, almost cutting through his gloves. Almost everyone seemed to notice his mood, carefully avoiding him for their own self preservation. The deer demon was going to lose it.


"Whatever this is, I don't want no fuckin' part of it!" Husk pointed a claw in the Radio Demon's direction. He'd been paranoid ever since that morning, watching his back, waiting for Alastor to gut him.

The Radio Demon had caught him on the way up to his room. Everyone had gone to bed. The hotel lights had been dimmed as the patrons had gone to bed. Husk had decided to close down the bar and head to his own room, not without snatching a bottle for himself, of course.

Alastor's grin only widened and Husk swallowed. "No no, Husker. I just want to ask a favor of you." He wrapped an arm around his shoulders. Al leaned down to his eye level, meeting his gaze.

"And that would be...?"

"Join me for drinks! It wouldn't hurt to spend an hour or two with me, would it?" Alastor's tone told him it was more of a demand than a request. Whatever plan the deer had, Husk feared it wouldn't end well for him. Reluctantly, Husk nodded his head, and allowed the taller to tug him down the hall.

"Are we not going downstairs...?" He asked after a moment, realizing that Alastor pulled him away from the staircase.

"Of course not! We're going to my room!"



Husk was stiff as a board. Alastor had long kept him close on the couch, arm wrapped around his shoulders. Angel Dust was glaring daggers into him. Husk tried to laugh at whatever joke Alastor had cracked.

He knew what this was as soon as he saw Angel lounging on the deer's satin sheets. Alastor planned this. This little... jump at revenge. The way the deer pretended to forget Angel was supposed to be there.

God Husk hated both of them. He was at their mercy. Cringing away from him everytime Alastor got in his face.

Husk wanted to his and run away from the two. Leave them to dance around each other. Instead, he was forced to sit and take it. He was forced to sit still as Al's warm breath ghosted his fur, brushing through it and chilling his skin.

Husk shuddered as Alastor carded a single claw through his reddened feathers, preening them, mindful to follow their direction. It was uncharacteristic for the deer to be so sweet. Part of the act, he assumed. Husk hated every bit of this and he knew it wasn't going to stop anytime soon.

'Fuck me.'

I'm still working on that emotional Al stuff that was requested! Al showing any sort of emotional vulnerability is hard to write oop.

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