Comfort (Angel Dust)

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This was taking forever for me to write due to finals coming up, but since my school canceled everything up until January because of snowstorms, my break started early and I don't need to worry about it anymore. I apologize for this being disappointingly short.

Sorry this took so long oomp. Ltackett50

It was one of those days. One of those days where everything just became too much. Even little things that didn't seem to matter anymore. Little things from the past. Things that could be long forgotten if only they didn't burn to think about.

Angel tried not to recall what life was really like before he died. He hated it. Yet every single detail was singed into his mind, staining his memories with vivid paintings of pain and suffering. He resented it more than anything. He resented himself.

Each night he dragged himself home from the studio. His body was always tired and sore, whether it be from work or Valentino's ridiculous punishments.

The pain always brought him back. Angel Dust could remember laying in his bed every night, silent tears staining his cheeks as his parents fought downstairs. Back then, Angel always had Molly to comfort him. Bless her soul. She really was an angel. Their father wouldn't dare lay a finger on her. She was too innocent.

Angel would still wince when he thought of it. Even if the words stung, the bruises stung even more. Angel's father never really approved of his mannerisms. Sexuality was still a  dilemma when Angel died, and even now, it was a topic constantly fought over.

The arachnid gave a sigh, laying back on the plush sheets of his bed as he fought back the sting of tears. The cream decorated ceiling blurred at the barrage of emotion. A tight pang pulled at his chest. He turned to lay on his stomach and buried his face in his pillow in a futile attempt to stifle any sound.

Angel hadn't noticed the shifting of shadows around him in the midst of his tears. He sniffled, claws digging into the material, the seams giving way with a sharp tear. One that Angel didn't care to acknowledge or notice.

Alastor had been watching him. Angel had provided him with much comfort after their last encounter, to his surprise. He felt strangely obligated to return the favor. Seeing the arachnid so... distraught caused his smile to twinge ever so slightly. Alastor wanted to take whatever caused the male to feel like this away. He wanted to make it stop hurting, but he didn't know how to do it. He let himself appear. He gripped the edges of the spider's blanket in order to pull it over him. Teary mismatched eyes moved to look at him. He ran his fingers -mindful of his claws- through Angel's hair, brushing it out of his face to look at him.

"What seems to be the matter, Angel?" He questioned softly. He continued to pet him. Angel only shrank back into his pillow, muffling his sniffles once again. He was visibly shaking. 

"Just rememberin' some stuff is all," Angel answered quietly. 

"Tell me."

As the night progressed, Angel had found himself in Alastor's lap, the blanket still wrapped around him. He'd told Al everything he could remember. His mother. His father. How he'd been cast aside. Shunned and beaten just for playin' in his ma's dresses. How he'd grown up and thrown himself into the world of drugs and sex. How he'd let men use his body so he'd have enough money to make it on his own once Henroin had gotten tired of him. Or to leave for Molly if their father wound up killing him in the end.

Alastor only muttered encouraging words when Angel needed a break, pressing the occasional kiss to the top of his head, no matter how out of character it was for him to do so. Angel would stare up at him, waiting for Alastor to push him off of himself and leave him alone. But it never happened. Alastor would only smile at him, encourage him to continue if he wished it, and held him even closer. 

And as Angel spoke, Alastor swore that nothing, that nobody, was going to hurt his Angel again.


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