Shh~ It's A Secret~

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This is a trade I did with radiodust__ because I love her and she deserves it.

I hope I did it right! :D (N' I hope you like it.)
I'm so bad at keeping in character so you'll have to forgive this train wreck.

Angel Dust was a strange character. The more the spider spoke, the more Alastor had become entranced in him. It didn't come to him in a bang, but with a whisper. A silent rush of realization. And to his own surprise, Alastor adored the feeling.

Angel was beautiful, really. The way his white fur would flush pink when the spider was flustered and the golden tooth that glinted every time he smiled. The way Angel would cock his hip to the side, his bottom set of hands resting on hips while the top pair crossed under the fluffy fur on his chest. How he fluttered his dark lashes. The sound of his voice when he was content: low and soft. Easy on the ears. The way he moved with an intoxicating grace. Angel attracted anything and everyone around him. He made demons, male and female alike, weak in the knees. Alastor was no exception.

He'd tried to ignore the porn star's many teases and innuendos. Angel took every opportunity to flirt with the deer, much to his dismay. Despite the many, many, many rejections, Angel was still persistent.

When Angel wasn't saying something disgusting he was actually quite nice to interact with. They'd had drinks with Husk many times before. Alastor had come across the two drinking and playing cards, swapping stories with one another only to join them for a glass himself.

Angel Dust kept his attention at all times. Though every so often Husk would catch his eye, the feline giving him a knowing quirk of his bushy eyebrows.

"Don't get sweet on em, pal." He'd said one night after the spider had left them, leaving Alastor alone with the feline and Angel's "girl buddy" Cherri. His words held a warning.

"Angel will be the death of ya if you ain't careful." Cherri had said, crossing her legs in the chair and leaning back on the bar. Husky grunted in distaste, pushing her off of the edge.

"Sweet on him?" Al huffed a strained laugh. His telltale grin widened a fraction. "Hah, why that's preposterous!" The deer turned, waving a dismissive hand. "You couldn't possibly believe-"

"You wanna know the things he likes?" Cherri cut him off. Alastor took pause, his ears twitching. She'd caught him, and they all knew it. The room went silent, save for the quiet sound of glasses meeting the bar counter.




One after the other, followed by the sound of a heavy bottle being pulled from a high shelf. (If Husker's grunt said anything.) Alastor turned his head to face her after a moment. Cherri only pats the bar stool caddy-corner from her.

"Have a seat, Al. We've got a long talk ahead of us." She set her chin in her hands, staring the deer demon down as he took a seat next to her. Husk slid a glass in his direction. Cherri may have had a teasing grin on her features, but her eye was serious. Alastor only swallowed.


It had been a long time since Alastor's nerve made him feel sick. It should have been easy. Knock, talk to Angel, give it to him. Piece of cake, right?

Apparently not.

Alastor swore he could hear his long-dead heartbeat in his ears. A dull hum hung low in his head and his ears run. Heat pricked his skin.

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