~ T H R E E ~

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"How am I meant to turn you in to the police when there is no fricking body!"

"I did think about that," Taehyung said, "But then I thought, hey. Why not kill you anyway just in case they find the body?"

"Just out of curiosity," I said, "Where did you put the body?"

"What body?" Taehyung asked.

"You...you are an idiot,"

"You need to come up with better insults," He said, "So, what are you making for dinner? I've not eaten properly in a few days and-"

"I'm not cooking for you," I said, "You can get out of my house since you aren't going to kill me,"

"Someone has a stick up their butt about me wanting to kill them," Taehyung said, "You can't kick me out on the streets. I have very dangerous men after me and as I have said before, I'm too handsome to die,"

"It's too young to die,"

"But handsome works better in my case," He said, "You have a spare room and you don't have a boyfriend,"

I glared at him, "What makes you think I don't have one?"

"I've been following you for the past few days and you don't even talk to the men you work with. There are no male clothes in your bedroom apart from the Spiderman boxers and you only have one toothbrush in your bathroom," Taehyung said, "If there was a man in your life then you would at least have his spare clothes or a toothbrush for him. You live a very sad life, Hana. I almost feel sorry for you,"

I let out a frustrated scream and threw my empty wine glass at him, "I can't believe I have let you sit here talk out of your ass! Get out of my house and I don't ever want to see you again!"

"You aren't much of a people person," Taehyung said, "If you invite someone into your house you have to-"

"But I didn't invite you into my house did I?" I glared at him, "You broke into my house and ate the snacks I've been wanting all day, threatened to kill me and then tell me that you are some serial killer that doesn't want to do it anymore!"

"It's an assassin and I can replace them if you are that upset about some snacks,"

"Get out!" I said.

Taehyung sighed, "Ok. But if I die of starvation or someone kills me, I'm going to haunt you. I hope you know that. Wait...that might not be a bad idea! I'd get to see you get into the shower and you wouldn't even know I am there,"

"I'm starting to wish these people would kill you know," I said under my breath, "Whatever trouble you have gotten yourself into, it has nothing to do with me,"

Taehyung gave me a side smile, "I wouldn't be so sure. You have a good night, Hana. Don't let any strange men in and keep the curtains open when you get ready for bed,"

"You are a strange man!" I exclaimed, "Jesus. Why am I still entertaining you?"

"I am irresistible and-"

"No," I said, "You are very irritating and why do I need to keep my curtains open?"

"So I can see you change clothes,"

I had made sure that every window and door was locked in my house. I even went to the extreme by putting chairs in front of the doors to wedge them shut and placed glasses in front of the windows so if anyone broke in, I'd hear them smash the glasses giving me enough time to escape.

I slept surprisingly well despite coming face to face with a serial killer. He had tried to convince me that he was just an assassin, but to me, they were the same. They both killed a lot of people and Taehyung was crazy.

I stretched my arms above my head and rolled over coming into contact with something hard. I opened my eyes slowly and screamed.

"What?" Taehyung screamed rolling out of bed, "What is happening?"

"How the hell did you get into my house?!" I said, jumping out of bed.

"Through the window," He said, "You put chairs in front of the doors so the window was the next best thing,"

"Stop breaking into my house!"

"I was cold," Taehyung pouted.

"I don't care! I don't want you near me. You are crazy and you slept in my bed,"

"Ok, that I can explain," He said, "I was going to sleep on the sofa but I knew that there was a bed upstairs with a very beautiful woman in it. How was I supposed to resist? And hey! That's what the Spiderman boxers are used for. Sleepwear,"

I glance down at my body and shot a look at Taehyung, "If you don't get out of my house right now, I am going to call the cops,"

Taehyung pouted again, "Can I at least put my shoes on?"

I rubbed the bridge of my nose, "Get your shoes on and get the hell out of my house,"

"Maybe you should get dressed. You are turning me on,"

I gave him an exasperated look and quickly ran around my room grabbing my clothes and rushed into my bathroom to get dressed. I came back out to hear glasses smashing and someone cursing.

"That bastard," I muttered and I let out a muffled scream when a hand slapped over my mouth.

"That wasn't me," Taehyung whispered in my ear, "Keep quiet and don't be seen. I've got this,"

I whimpered as he pushed me away, "What are you going to do?"

Taehyung turned to grin at me, "Do what I do best. Protect me. Hide already, Hana,"

I tiptoed back into my room and stepped into my wardrobe. I had nowhere else to hide and I had an ottoman bed. There was no way in hell that I'd be able to cope in a small space like that.

I covered my ears as I heard shouting from downstairs and squeezed my eyes shut. I didn't want to be part of whatever was going on. I was going to call the cops and Taehyung was going to be locked away. I didn't care where. 

Prison or the nuthouse.

My life wasn't supposed to be like this. I lived an average life and the only drama I get to have is throwing dog shit at my neighbour's house. I wasn't cut out for more drama than that.

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