~ T W E N T Y E I G H T ~

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I had never eaten dinner in such an awkward atmosphere before. I had to force myself to keep my head down and eat my dinner without making eye contact with the guys at the table. I even ignored the forks scraping on the plate which made my skin crawl.

"What do you work as Petal?" Jin said making me jump.

"O-oh," I said, looking up, "I, um, I work for property management,"

"Which is?"

"Huh?" I said, "Oh. I work behind the scenes of an estate agent. I deal with landlords and tenants. I have quite a few properties that I deal with, so like any repairs needed to be done that's my job to sort out,"

"Must be difficult,"

"Sometimes," I said, "Um, can I ask you something?"

"Of course, you can Petal,"

"Why did you make everyone eat dinner when everyone hates each other?"

Jin chuckled softly, "Petal, even though I can't stand Taehyung, this is something that I always need when we have dinner,"

"We used to do this when we were training, Cupcake," Namjoon said, picking up his beer, "It brings back memories,"

"Some good, some bad," Jimin said, "Do you remember the last time we sat down for dinner?"

"Yup," Jungkook said, "Hoseok ended up punching Taehyung in the face, Namjoon set something on fire, Jin and I ended up crying over some movie and Yoongi passed out drunk,"

"What about Jimin?" I asked.

"I was trying to help Namjoon put the fire out, Angel," Jimin said.

"Wow," I said, staring at my food, "Even though it seems chaotic, it sounds fun,"

"Are you ok, Babe?" Taehyung asked, nudging me.

"Huh?" I looked at him, "Oh, yeah. I guess,"

"Are you sure?" Taehyung frowned.

"I suppose..." I paused and shook my head, "I'm tired from the drive here. Is it ok for you to show me to my room?"

"Hoseok," Jin said, "Take Petal to her room,"

"Are you shitting me?" Hoseok said slamming his hands onto the table, "I'm sure Suga Tits can find it herself!"

"I won't ask you again,"

Hoseok said something under his breath and got to his feet, "Well come on then, for fuck sake,"

"Don't lay a hand on her," Taehyung said glaring at him, "I'll make your face look worse than mine,"

"It's ok," I said, patting Taehyung's arm, "I'm a big girl and I have a good aim,"

"I was meaning to ask you about that," Yoongi said putting his hands on his head, "How comes you can throw so well?"

"Oh, well in school I played rounders. I was the bowler," I said with a shrug, "I was in a lot of sports teams because it kept me at school and I didn't have to go...I should really go to bed now,"

"We won't keep you any longer," Jin smiled at me and looked at Hoseok, "Don't be afraid to wander around if you can't sleep or if you're lonely, my room is only down the hall,"

"That does it!" Taehyung exclaimed, "Stop flirting with my wife!"

"Good night and Taehyung?" I said.

"Yes babe?"

"I'm not your wife,"

Taehyung pouted and I quickly followed Hoseok out of the dining room and towards the large staircase. I had to jog to keep up with him and it wasn't because he had long legs. It was like he wanted to get me lost or just stay away from me.

It didn't take long to get to my room and I grabbed his arm before he walked away. He yanked his arm away from me like I was diseased and I shifted on my feet.

"Thank you,"

"Fuck you,"

"Hey, Hoseok?" I said and he stopped walking away.

"What? Can you not tell that I don't want to be around you right now?"

"I can but I just want to say something,"

He sighed, "Go on,"

"I'm sorry for hitting you in the face," I said and he looked over his shoulder at me, "I'm sorry that I said mean things to you and I don't wish for you to get really bad diarrhoea,"

"Is that all?"

"Sort of. I don't know what happened between Taehyung and you, but I really don't like that you are taking your anger out on me," I said quietly, "I haven't done anything wrong and I don't want any animosity between us especially since we are going to be-"

"I don't like you and I will never like you," He said with a shrug, "I don't care for your apology. Do you want to know why I have a problem with you?"

"I would. If it's something I can change then-"

"Taehyung fell in love with you. A random chick he met who saw him kill someone and then all of a sudden, he wants to marry you," He said, "You are a stranger. A nobody yet he wants to be with you. He probably doesn't even know your favourite colour, or your favourite song and you don't even know how to use a gun. You are no good for him and you never will be good for him,"


"And once I help that asshole out of this bullshit situation, you are going to leave," He said, "You are going to break his heart and you will never see him or us again because you don't feel anything towards him. You don't love him,"

"What makes you-"

"You don't want to be here. I don't want you here but Jin agreed to keep you safe. I would have just killed you already," Hoseok rushes forward and slammed me into the wall, pressing his forearm against my throat, "You are correct. I do love Taehyung. I've loved that loser for years but he doesn't know. I've told him but it goes in one ear and out the other,"

I gulped, "Is that why you hate him?"

"I don't hate him. I could never hate him. I'm just so pissed off that I've been trying for years to get his attention and some random girl comes along and steals his heart from me," He said quietly, "it hurts to see him all over you and you just letting him do it. I don't hate him, I hate you,"

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